More Money and Weapons to Ukraine – IOTW Report

More Money and Weapons to Ukraine

PM: Biden to send Ukraine ANOTHER $400 million in weapons from US stockpile.

The Biden administration will send another $400 million in weapons to Ukraine, pulling gear from its own stockpiles to support the fight against Russia. The move will help get gear to Kyiv as fast as possible as Russian forces continue to attack Ukrainian energy sources before winter sets in.

Pentagon refuses to detail request for $37.7B in additional Ukraine assistance.

The Pentagon this week refused to provide key details about the Biden administration’s request for an additional $37.7 billion in funding to help Ukraine defend itself from Russia’s invasion – a request that would put total U.S. taxpayer support to Ukraine above $100 billion since the war started in February.

22 Comments on More Money and Weapons to Ukraine

    other than that minor detail. Y,all have a safe
    and fattening T-day. Remember to Thank The Good Lord!

  2. Can’t this shit be stopped?

    our money, our work, our sweat, our equity – only to be pissed down the drain by an illegitimate dictator bent on destroying America and its peoples.

    perhaps that needs to be talked about around the Thanksgiving Table as the start of our “Stop the donkey pox from destroying America” movement.

  3. The Russians have the whip hand now. They will continue to focus on Utilities and other infrastructure and let nature take its course. Like any other “vulnerable population” the most dangerous words they will ever hear is “We’re from the progressive movement and we’re here to help you.” What that always signifies is BOHICA. The last thing anyone needs is individuals that are totally invested in exploiting a crisis to advance their own agenda co-opting your situation.

  4. JDHasty
    NOVEMBER 24, 2022 AT 10:54 AM
    “The Russians have the whip hand now. They will continue to focus on Utilities and other infrastructure and let nature take its course. ”

    As we said.

    Winter is coming.

    Our undefeatable ally.

  5. Milley was put there to be this times Schwarzkopf.
    But he caved to the FAG JAGs and GenderX Lobbiers.
    Lots of carnage.

    The SecDef Lloyd is a real piece of shit. Straight up crooked to the Root ties to msNBC and Bank of America and Africa and Nigerian crypto contracts for phone minutes. Yea, that Secretary of DeFencers Trader.

    Ain’t no turkey talk
    It’s in dablock chain gang

  6. The Obsolete Man
    NOVEMBER 24, 2022 AT 10:42 AM
    “Can’t this shit be stopped?”


    WE did it once.

    And we left you instructions on HOW.

    Actually FOLLOWING those instructions is on YOU.

  7. Sooner or later it’s going to dawn on the “tax slaves’ that sending money to the IRS/Feral Government is not buying them what they thought they were paying for and they are going to quit sending their “fair share”. THERE IS A REASON FOR THE 87,000 NEW AND HEAVILY ARMED IRS AGENTS.

  8. “Can’t this be stopped?”
    With the uniparty currently pretending to lean right, the answer is no.
    It’s not going to stop until quite a few Nathan Hales’ stop it.

  9. Zelenski speach “I told the President I need 4 billion dollars, he said ‘your not getting the money.’ I saidI’m
    having having a press conference in 6 hours if I don’t have 4 billion by then I will tell them everything I know about you and Hunter, ….. WELL SON OF A BITCH….”

  10. @Carlos The Jackal November 24, 2022 at 1:11 pm

    > It’s not going to stop until quite a few Nathan Hales’ stop it.

    An army of Nathan Hales will change nothing.

    The people of The Free West(TM) survive only by the beneficence of a saint. Like Pol Pot.

  11. The longer the range of the missiles US sends to Ukraine, the more of Ukraine Russia will need to take.

    This may be the dumbest thing any US President has ever done. Destroy Europe for the sake of a guy who hangs out with Sean Penn

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