More snow is on the way – IOTW Report

More snow is on the way

Sierra Nevada snowpack is biggest in 22 years — and more snow is on the way

California Gov. Jerry Brown isn’t likely to amend or rescind the state’s emergency drought declaration until April.

Mercury News: After a month of huge blizzards and “atmospheric river” storms, the Sierra Nevada snowpack — source of a third of California’s drinking water — is 177 percent of the historic average, the biggest in more than two decades.

The last time there was this much snow on Feb. 1 in the Sierra was in 1995. Pete Wilson was California’s governor, “Seinfeld” was the top-rated show on television and Steve Young had just led the 49ers to a blowout win in Super Bowl XXIX.

In a breathtaking shift for a state that had been mired in five years of punishing drought, 25 feet of new snow has fallen on Heavenly ski resort in South Lake Tahoe since New Year’s Day. Freeways and schools across the Sierra have been closed at times, and firefighters are having trouble finding fire hydrants.


9 Comments on More snow is on the way

  1. Jerry Brown explained that all that snow isn’t going to help end the (imaginary) drought, because the preceding massive rainstorms spread the drought all around the State, or something.

    I’m starting to think he may be senile.

  2. Never let a crisis go to waste. Above 3800 feet we’re knee deep, or deeper. A ton of water. Where’s it go? Right out to the might Pacific. I’m starting to think old Jerry’s getting a little worried about the Great State of Jefferson.

  3. Pffft! One big, not uncommon, yet normal storm that hopefully will be out of the naturally occurring drought cycle, and demoncrat folks are instantly more stupid than usual.

    Seen bigger. Democrats’ memories are as big as their…. love of the Constitution.

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