More than 7 million Venezuelans vote in anti-Maduro referendum – IOTW Report

More than 7 million Venezuelans vote in anti-Maduro referendum

American Thinker: A remarkable statement of opposition to the presidency of Nicolas Maduro took place yesterday in Venezuela when more than 7 million people went to the polls in an unofficial referendum on his regime.

The ballot asked three questions of voters: should a constituent assembly be formed to change the constitution, should the military defend the current constitution, and should there be an early vote before Maduro’s term ends in 2019.  More than 98% of the 7.2 million people who cast ballots indicated their support for the opposition.

Maduro has called for his own vote on July 30 to approve a super-assembly that would have the power to rewrite the constitution and change state institutions like the judiciary.  Most observers see this as a power-grab by Maduro that would make him a dictator.  more here

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