Moron Actress Who Played PU$$y GALORE Says the Term “Bond Girl” is Derogatory – IOTW Report

Moron Actress Who Played PU$$y GALORE Says the Term “Bond Girl” is Derogatory

Don’t call us Bond girls! Honor Blackman – who played Pussy Galore to Sean Connery’s 007 in Goldfinger – says the phrase is derogatory to women

Pussy Galore in Goldfinger

Honor Blackman


  • They are the women who provide the glamour and intrigue in Spectre
  • But if you’re thinking of referring to them as ‘Bond girls’ then think again
  • Honor Blackman, who played Pussy Galore, says the phrase is derogatory  
  • The 1964 Goldfinger star said: ‘We are women and actresses!’

Read more:

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The Jersey Boys

The Boys in Company C

A woman sang about ‘Where the boys are.”



35 Comments on Moron Actress Who Played PU$$y GALORE Says the Term “Bond Girl” is Derogatory

  1. So. You’re willing to take the fame, the glory, the MONEY, that comes with the name “Bond Girls”? But now it’s DEROGATORY?
    As has been said before, and will continue to be said, Liberalism is a mental disease, afflicting both old and young. Another data point that proves it. And just TRY to make people stop using that term. Good luck, ya has been.

  2. what is so sad about all this PC crap is that there are so many real issues plaguing the world that if all the energy put into worrying about silly things were redirected towards something that matters
    just think how much better off the all would be.
    Go dig a well for an African village, provide a water filtration system in Central America, do something with your 15 minutes of fame beside bitch about how you got it.

  3. Believe me the producers of the James Bond movies knew what they were doing when they named her Pussy Galore, it was the swinging anything goes 60’s for crying out loud. And do you think they’d let James Bond strap a bomb to a couple of fags now and throw them overboard a ship now like he did in Diamonds Are Forever. The best James Bond movie ever is still From Russia with Love.

  4. I am going to watch From Russia with Love soon. I just read the book while touring Russia. It was enlightening reading something from the late 50s with the edition I read printed in the 80s.
    Very unPC for sure.

  5. The best Bond girl hands down ever was Diana Rigg in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Till Blofeld killed her, damn. She was hot, especially when she played Emma Peele on The Avengers. And on Her Majesty’s Secret Service was my 2nd favorite James Bond movie followed by Thunderball which I saw when about 13 years old in the mid 60’s.

  6. HAHAHAAA. This “woman” and “actress” took on the role of a character named PUSSY GALORE, who throws herself at Bond and his charms.

    Has the dementia set in, or did the royalties finally dry up?

  7. Sad thing is: this is going on all over the world without so much as a peep out of the lame stream media. It doesn’t sell. As the old saying goes: “If it bleeds, it leads”. Especially if it entails racism or sexism or feminism, etc.

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