Moron Cortez and her moron sycophants lie about CPAC and Islamophobia – IOTW Report

Moron Cortez and her moron sycophants lie about CPAC and Islamophobia


In an effort to defend her racist, antisemitic friend, congresswoman Omar the Jew Hater, Occasional Cortex lied about a clip of Jerry Falwell Jr. and indicted the president in the process.

There is so much wrong with this dunderhead’s tweet it is hard to know where to begin.

The most obvious lie is that this was CPAC. The damn clip says LIBERTY UNIVERSITY RIGHT ON IT! It was 2015, before Trump was president.

The speech was referring to the San Bernardino murderers, the ones that went into a CHRISTmas party and in the name of Allah murdered innocent workers.

Also, the part this asshole claims is unintelligible is perfectly intelligible.

He says, “before they walked in and killed em.”

Finally, Jerry Falwell Jr. is not a congressman, nor an elected official.

What is official, however, is that AOC is DUMB.

She’s the girlfriend that you just want to have shut up at parties because you’re so embarrassed that you’re with her, and she’s not good enough looking to explain why you’re with her.

Yet, lefties voted for her!

She’s a walking IQ exam. If you voted for her you’re probably pretty stupid.

Mouth trainer picture by Michelle’s Big Beaver


26 Comments on Moron Cortez and her moron sycophants lie about CPAC and Islamophobia

  1. It may have been 2015 but Putin had already printed the phoney ballots giving Trump the win and depriving St. Hillary of her rightful place as the Messiah. And who cares if it clearly says Liberty University? Only racist conservatives are concerned about such an outdated concept, and “conservative” is what CPAC is all about so that makes her comments “fake but accurate.”

    (I would like to think that /s is not necessary but you can’t tell these days.)

  2. I can’t take two years of this evil goddam foolish child, and I suspect about 90% of the country is at this point also. She needs to be posting bail, huddling with her lawyers and pleading the Fifth.


    I listened to Trump’s speech at CPAC, and know for a FACT… that he used POLYsyllabic words… and therefore, Occasional-Cortex and her minions, could not POSSIBLY have UNDERSTOOD ANY of it!!! 😳

  4. No one with a mass audience in the media is going to call her out on this, they’ll just report it and let their audience believe it is true.

    That’s the way the MSM works, it’s something that is often referred to as “the big lie” by propagandists.

  5. Id she didnt have stupid and dishonesty (is she ‘crooked cortez’ now?), what else would she have.

    Her home cooking video is amazing: its scary what a dumbass she is.

  6. It occurred to me a while ago that there’s a very apt word to use for this…person. You seldom hear it these days, and I’d like to resurrect it for La Loca and some others such as Schiff, Cummings, everybody named Cuomo, and the entire on-air and editorial staff of CNN.

    The word is prat, and as the OED has it,

    1.a The buttocks; the backside, rump.

    2. A person of no account; a dolt, fool, ‘jerk’.

  7. Cortez is a complete lying fraud. However, Omar makes a point that opens the can of worms that no politician is allowed to mention if he/she wants to survive in D.C.
    It is important to be informed about Black, Cynthia McKinney, former Georgia representative in the US Congress. Again, knowing facts can make a difference between knowing, or just assuming one knows.

    Forced To Sign Loyalty To Israel – Cynthia McKinney (2014)

  8. She tweeted that?!

    Hmmm? Well, what this means of course is that she can’t find anything true to write about “islamophobia” or our president that is terrible.


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