Moron Dem – Gwen Moore – Wants To Block Federal Funding For One of the Few Things the Federal Government is For – IOTW Report

Moron Dem – Gwen Moore – Wants To Block Federal Funding For One of the Few Things the Federal Government is For

The federal government is supposed to protect our nation, preserve our sovereignty, yet, moron Gwen Moore doesn’t want tax money going to the southern border wall.

She would rather, I guess, have the federal government fund abortions.

Story at the Daily Caller.



14 Comments on Moron Dem – Gwen Moore – Wants To Block Federal Funding For One of the Few Things the Federal Government is For

  1. The worst part about being labeled a Fascist when you are not a fascist is that you can’t have someone like this publicly dragged from the House or Senate and then shot in the street like a dog.

  2. Oh I bet she is also for things like Obamaphones, Obamacare, Obama spying, Obama food stamps, Obama Illegal Invaders, Black Lives Matter, La Raza, Congressional Black Caucus, welfare fraud, baby daddies, Obama deficit spending, Obama budget busting rules, Obama expensive vacations, Obama Planned Parenthood functions, and Obama worthless grants and studies, etc.!

  3. It’s fun to watch black Senators and Congress critters come out and try to block something that would stop the erosion of employment for black Americans along with a general lowering of hourly, low skilled wages across the board. It would be interesting to see some black conservatives (or realists) ask why the shutting off of an illegal labour force that has scooped up a lot of black jobs by undercutting wages and allowing employers to eliminate benefits for those jobs is a bad idea. Ask her whether she supports the deporting of illegals that have already taken jobs and why she wants to keep her fellow blacks on pride killing welfare. To people like this race is an industry to be exploited for their own gain. Wisconsin should be ashamed.

  4. In Milwaukee, her district, Latinos in the last ten years have gone from knives to guns, taken over the drug trade, are about to take over prostitution, have all the landscape companies, and are moving into the suburbs. Soon she’ll be a minority representative.

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