Moron Nationals Reliever Won’t Go to Trump White House Because “He Mocked Reporter With Disability” – IOTW Report

Moron Nationals Reliever Won’t Go to Trump White House Because “He Mocked Reporter With Disability”

What a dipshit. The “mocking of a reporter’s disability” has been debunked to death, yet, this idiot is still believing it happened.

In fact, the debunking by Mr. Pinko was the impetus for Brandon Straka’s #WalkAway movement.

Someone send Thinklittle, errr, Doolittle a copy of the video.

Read about the dope HERE. It’s not just Trump’s mocking that has contributed to his decision. It’s the FACT that Trump is a racist, and Doolittle has helped people from “shithole” countries.

27 Comments on Moron Nationals Reliever Won’t Go to Trump White House Because “He Mocked Reporter With Disability”

  1. A MAN would go and confront the meanie, right? Imagine having the opportunity to fix a wrong? Get an apology for the wronged party… alas, sticks and stones are not as powerful as meanie words these days. When are the Trump bashers going to thought police jail?

  2. hey dipshiite,why not prove you are an asset to your community and take all your world series earnings and clean up the DC slums plaguing the capital, collect all the thug’s guns while you are at it, nobody gives a rat’s ass flea bite about your feelings, I am sure President DJT is just so butthurt that you will not visit him.

  3. Men are simple creatures and only act for two reasons, Money of course is one and the other is women.
    Although this clown is in the major leagues and considered successful he still has the looks of a dork loser. He’s trying to attract women by getting on board with what he thinks are the popular issues hoping to get noticed by the ladies. Pathetic!

  4. He got there because the whole team won the series now he’s trying to make it about himself. His in-laws are lesbians so naturally he hates Trump for hating gays (he doesn’t).
    A white hipster millionaire putting his wokeness on display. How novel.

  5. Awhh…c’mon Trump is decisive! He actually requires morals, ethics, and a backbone.

    Anybody who knows the Nationals knows this guy is a snowflake space cadet basement of the science building believe in climate change footy pajama wearing kinda of personality (notice I didn;t say man)

    Phu-k him and his pc lovin’ partner.

    Trump can eat his untaken scoop of Ice Cream with a clear conscience.

  6. Using the term “Media Bias” is a disservice to the Truth. Bias implies nudging or bending the facts. “Bias” is so 2016. What the Left is doing today in their relentless pursuit of President Trump is waaaay beyond bias! It’s a full blown ugly vendetta that fabricates lie after lie no matter how preposterous! It is the Moron War On Trump!

  7. Unlike most philanthropists, Doolittle sure makes public his “charitable” deeds.

    Thanksgiving dinner for 17 adoptive Syrian families, splashed all over the newspapers, social media, replete with photo montages of the happy smiling fresh scrubbed faces of the new arrivals obama welcomed.

    Where’s the photos of Doolittle accompanying them to register Democrat?

  8. @TRF — You make the important distinction. It’s the same one that Bill Barr made in his speech at Notre Dame about the war on Christianity: that the Left’s actions are an engineered destruction/eradication, not a consequence of something else, of the expression of Christianity in the public square. This is an ideological war — for now, anyway.

  9. AA – The Left selectively picks and chooses what they think will have the maximum emotional impact, not even what reflects reality or even common sense for that matter, in their war on the United States. We can point out with absolute confidence that if something is a traditional American ideal, they attack it! Alinsky’s play book is their “Bible”

  10. Does this guy live in a cave, at least pick something more relevant. The disability was so three years ago. Come on at least take a stand on his two scoops of ice cream or the BS about him stealing pancakes by sticking them in his pockets.

  11. Once a lie is set loose in the world, leftists will be using it to stir hatred for years.

    If a leftist could learn just this: “any political news, it’s better to wait a few days, till the truth comes out and repudiates the lies the MSM pumped out”, they would soon find cause to doubt their religion.


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