Moron or Panic: Which Mode Are You In? – IOTW Report

Moron or Panic: Which Mode Are You In?

Charlie Berens and friends just posted the extremes in reacting to the coronavirus news reporting that has been ratcheting up the last week or so. Watch

61 Comments on Moron or Panic: Which Mode Are You In?

  1. Those are the only choices, moron or panic?

    I’m just doing my thing like I normally do. My indian (or, Native American for the PC crowd) name is “Woman who does not go to the store.” Geoff C. is the “Man on the Street” guy. He’s been to a couple, three grocery stores just trying to find the ingredients for dinner. One dinner, not a years’ worth. He came home with two cartons of eggs and I asked, “Are you hoarding, now?” He shrugged and said, “No, Safeway had ’em on sale for ninety-nine cents a dozen. Easter’s coming, ya know.”

    I’m a homebody, anyway. Go to my jobsites, come home. Cook dinner, go to bed. Don’t have cable tee vee and don’t get a newspaper. I think this is the secret to having missed most of the world’s panics in the past 40 years.

  2. Ground Zero in the US is an old folks home here in WA and two of my kids’ school where they had the three positive cases. I just not all that panicked about it. My kids are like cockroaches, they are pretty resistant to stuff going around. There are some kids who have a pretty weak constitution that I do worry about. Lot of asthmatics in their school.

  3. They will probably try and skin my buddy who had another friend taking cell phone video while he was shooting rolls of TP with his AR at the range today.

    I just got a call from another friend who said: I know it was you who put them up to it, you bastard. That had your fingerprints all over it. I swear to God, I knew nothing until I got the call. Next thing they are going to pin blame on me for corrupting an innocent and turning him into an irredeemable poker of wasp nests just for kicks kind of guy.

  4. As the Woo Han Panic of 2020 ramps up to a fever pitch I have a serious question for the Media, the Deep State, the SJW Resistance and general garden-variety Donks:

    How many Dead Fellow Citizens are an acceptable level of collateral damage if it means the End of Trump?

    This is not a joke.

    Hell, I’ll even sweeten the pot and stipulate the The Dead will only be Deplorables and members of the Trump Family & Administration.

  5. Me?
    I’m just sittin here at the Karma cafe on the corner of Awesome and Bombdiggity watchin the Lefty Assholes going nuts thinkin to myself that yer order of “Just Exactly Whut U Deserve” will be served up in November!!

  6. I pulled peer review material on this virus and get daily updates from the medical board. I don’t see the concern. Rate of infection is one in ten thousand. Deaths are almost exclusive to very elderly with pre-existing illness. As far as I can see there is nothing to the illness, flu is more significant with current information. There is no justification for world wide shut down. Then the stock market is in free fall, why, an extraordinary level of short selling. Something stinks about the whole thing.

  7. Like I said in a previous post, these soft headed lefties don’t even have a clue how to shop for impending doom. They’re loading up with perishable items like fresh meat and milk. Dried and canned goods are the ticket for SHTF. Pasta, rice and beans are the go to. I’m good on all that stuff because my neighbor goes to all the food give aways and brings me all the as he says “yucky stuff.” If it ever gets bad I’ll have a blast bartering the powdered and shelf stable milk back to him. I’ve got enough beans and rice to feed Venezuela stacked in my pantry. Going to be good times. May have to convert to Islam to wipe the bum though😉!

  8. Meanwhile today, France and Spain are closed.
    Anything nonessential is ordered to shutter up.
    I’m in California and just waiting for Gov Newsom to try so crap like that out here.
    Fuck ’em.

    “Spain imposed a countrywide quarantine on Saturday and France ordered all non-essential stores, restaurants and theaters to shutter within 24 hours as officials across the globe took increasingly drastic measures to slow a rise in coronavirus cases.

    Israel also took more strong actions as new concerns emerged about how and why the virus was spreading so widely.

    French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said public services such as banks, grocery stores and pharmacies will be allowed to remain open but other venues like department stores, restaurants and cafes would be required to close by Sunday.

    “We must show all together more discipline,” the prime minister was quoted as saying by The Associated Press.

    In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took similar action, ordering the shut down of restaurants, cafes and movie theaters by Sunday.

    In Spain, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez declared a two-week state of emergency that essentially locks down most of his country the way Italy did earlier this week.

    Sanchez said citizens will be allowed to leave their homes only to buy food and medicine, commute to work, or go to hospitals and banks, while all other venues are shuttered.

    Spain imposed a countrywide quarantine on Saturday and France ordered all non-essential stores, restaurants and theaters to shutter within 24 hours as officials across the globe took increasingly drastic measures to slow a rise in coronavirus cases.

    Israel also took more strong actions as new concerns emerged about how and why the virus was spreading so widely.

    French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said public services such as banks, grocery stores and pharmacies will be allowed to remain open but other venues like department stores, restaurants and cafes would be required to close by Sunday.

    “We must show all together more discipline,” the prime minister was quoted as saying by The Associated Press.

    In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took similar action, ordering the shut down of restaurants, cafes and movie theaters by Sunday.

    In Spain, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez declared a two-week state of emergency that essentially locks down most of his country the way Italy did earlier this week.

    Sanchez said citizens will be allowed to leave their homes only to buy food and medicine, commute to work, or go to hospitals and banks, while all other venues are shuttered.

    Spain imposed a countrywide quarantine on Saturday and France ordered all non-essential stores, restaurants and theaters to shutter within 24 hours as officials across the globe took increasingly drastic measures to slow a rise in coronavirus cases.

    Israel also took more strong actions as new concerns emerged about how and why the virus was spreading so widely.

    French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said public services such as banks, grocery stores and pharmacies will be allowed to remain open but other venues like department stores, restaurants and cafes would be required to close by Sunday.

    “We must show all together more discipline,” the prime minister was quoted as saying by The Associated Press.

    In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took similar action, ordering the shut down of restaurants, cafes and movie theaters by Sunday.

    In Spain, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez declared a two-week state of emergency that essentially locks down most of his country the way Italy did earlier this week.

    Sanchez said citizens will be allowed to leave their homes only to buy food and medicine, commute to work, or go to hospitals and banks, while all other venues are shuttered.”

  9. I am in full panic mode. I need STUFF. I am a guy.
    I went to six Costco’s today (We have lots here in Seattle) No TP No nothin I needed. But I did find a Washable Sanding Sponge 80 grit that will get the job done. As a replacement for single ply finger break through tp) Oh I got a feather duster and some baby powder to help with the chapped ass.
    Long lines fistfights, We are going to die from Fake News .
    And yes this is Fake.
    So sayith the Fake News.
    But it seams real.
    People need to calm down. It is the Leaders of the Blue states that have hyped this panic buying up.
    And they have not said to stop.

  10. Meanwhile, Spain and France ordered to close down.
    I’m waiting for Gov Newsom to try that crap here in California.
    Sacramento, state capital and state leftie headquarters, where I live, is in full panic mode.
    Fuck ’em.

    ‘France, Spain and Israel take more drastic actions to slow virus outbreak
    Spain imposed a countrywide quarantine on Saturday and France ordered all non-essential stores, restaurants and theaters to shutter within 24 hours as officials across the globe took increasingly drastic measures to slow a rise in coronavirus cases.

    Israel also took more strong actions as new concerns emerged about how and why the virus was spreading so widely.

    French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said public services such as banks, grocery stores and pharmacies will be allowed to remain open but other venues like department stores, restaurants and cafes would be required to close by Sunday.

    “We must show all together more discipline,” the prime minister was quoted as saying by The Associated Press.

    In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took similar action, ordering the shut down of restaurants, cafes and movie theaters by Sunday.

    In Spain, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez declared a two-week state of emergency that essentially locks down most of his country the way Italy did earlier this week.

    Sanchez said citizens will be allowed to leave their homes only to buy food and medicine, commute to work, or go to hospitals and banks, while all other venues are shuttered.’

  11. I’ve resorted to buying Prince Albert in a can – and coffee by the ton. These are the most important food groups and reduce the cleaning required for my sponge on a steeck which hangs next to the toilet. Since home invasion by infected zombies is imminent in my neighborhood, I’ve installed a 50 cal machine gun which is visible in the window next to the front door. So far, this has worked and the police haven’t noticed it yet because they’re too busy with the homeless, and well, probably staying away from people.

    Other than all of this, I’m still just the lovable, outgoing, social recluse I’ve always been. Hold on… there is someone on my lawn…

    He’s dead. -Jim

  12. OK, for you tin foil hat people, it’s been reported that the lab in Wuhan was not only involved with corona virus but was also making adrenachrome. There is speculation that the reason we are seeing some high profile people getting sick is due to cross contamination of product. So sorry….next sample free.

  13. I’m living my life normally and laughing at those with their hair on fire. I also have always been a bit of a prankster, so when I went to the Dollar General the other day, where I usually go, there and the grocery store, because I hate WalMart, I had some fun.
    My allergies are killing me and of course the drainage makes me cough at times, I coughed, really more like cleared my throat and this woman on the same aisle, but at the other end took off literally running to the next aisle. So my prankster side came out and I did my best Wuhan Flu cough to hear her basket flying to the checkout. Mean? Maybe, but sure was funny.

    Not as mean as a video I watched on FB with a guy waiting in a long checkout line who recorded himself coughing and saying, “I’m sorry I’ve had this horrible cough ever since I got back from my trip to China.” He suddenly was no longer in line, they all fled out of the line, some even leaving their carts. Okay it was pretty funny as well.

    I’m pretty sure I already had the Wuhan flu back in January anyway, Dr. called it a virus going around, but it was different from anything I ever had before, even the doctors are starting to say they think it’s been here since end of November to first of December.

  14. “There is one very simple thing that we can do and that works: social distancing.

    If you go back to the Wuhan graph, you will remember that as soon as there was a lockdown, cases went down. That’s because people didn’t interact with each other, and the virus didn’t spread.

    The current scientific consensus is that this virus can be spread within 2 meters (6 feet) if somebody coughs. Otherwise, the droplets fall to the ground and don’t infect you.

    The worst infection then becomes through surfaces: The virus survives for up to 9 days on different surfaces such as metal, ceramics and plastics. That means things like doorknobs, tables, or elevator buttons can be terrible infection vectors.

    The only way to truly reduce that is with social distancing: Keeping people home as much as possible, for as long as possible until this recedes.

    This has already been proven in the past. Namely, in the 1918 flu pandemic.

  15. Mrs Ghost is out picking up an order of Chinese food RIGHT now. How is that for DEFCON 1.

    Tip: I’m feeling well, BUT if you want to get a jump start KICK to eat after not feeling well, drink egg drop soup.

    Local schools closing for two weeks as of tonight. Just got the text.

  16. The comments here confirm what I’ve been thinking for a while.

    Most Americans aren’t changing their lives that much.

    It’s the Lefties that are going nuts. And now they get to spend a month or so at home trying to tell each other what a swell candidate Obiden-Bama is.

  17. Ya know, has anyone done a search on Twitter for #AltCDC or ResistCDC accounts? After Trump’s election there was a glut of government agencies posting their resistance to Trump that way. I think it’s entirely possible these people delayed, minimized and/or offered pseudo advice to the Trump administration about the WuHan Flu early on before POTUS got his people on it. Viva Resistance-I hope they’re happy. 😡

  18. Copied this from a Facebook friend’s post today.
    Long time airline stewardess.

    “Came in from working L.A . today, I will tell you there is absolutely no panic in the 4 airports I’ve been in since Wed. (Nashville, Salt Lake City, Atlanta and L.A.)
    People are wiping down their personal seat space with disinfectant cloths, which I believe we all SHOULD have been doing years ago! Not so many masks, maybe 10% of passengers. We are “ parking “ over 30% of our aircraft ( closer to 40%) … our CEO announced today that he will not be taking a paycheck for the next 6 months. Just want to give you all an update ….”

  19. Actually, I am alarmed but not panicked as I figure that at my age, this fricken Chinese shiticle could kill me.

    I also still think (as I’ve said several times already), that the State of Washington could STILL get ahead of the virus IFF people distance themselves and IFF our medical pro’s don’t get overwhelmed by old fuddy duddies like me. This, in spite of being ‘Ground Zero’ in the United States.

    (And BTW, when exactly does ANGER set in with people? I’m there already…with Globalists, Democrats, Congress, the FED and… China. but that’s a different topic.)

  20. @Geoff C. The Saltine,
    I can print you TP on my 3D printer if you don’t mind PLA asswipe. Otherwise a corn cob is just as good.
    I use a bidet and shower. Until the water is shut off.
    Then I have 4 live chickens to wipe my ass with. They will clean it off themselves. My fallback is pinecones.

  21. #1 Daughter came by last night to see if we were still alive. She’s at that age (still) where gruesome pandemics and the specter of mass death appeals to the drama and angst of young people. She keeps telling me that her dad and I are in the high risk category and I keep asking her, “Just how old do you think we are, anyway!?” Mainly she’s just sad that the Seattle restaurants are closed and she’s down to her last Cup-o-Noodles. But she alerted us to many choice restaurants that are doing drive-up service because of the Great Scare. One of them is a 5 Star: Canlis. I figure that when the city is down to its last jar of peanut butter and roll of TP, I’ll just make a trip over to Canlis and see what they’ve got for dinner. (The pre-Wuhan Virus Canlis) (The post-Wuhan Virus Canlis)
    Check out the home-delivered dinners (with a bottle of wine)

  22. A year or so ago there was a bidet discussion here. I’m still not convinced a person doesn’t end up walking around with a wet ass. I tried one in a hotel a while ago and I wasn’t impressed.

  23. @Illustr8r,

    yes, you’re right. Unfortunately as a midlifer the primary cleaning requires a followup after a maximum of 2000 steps.

    @Jimmy, who knows what sleepy Joe thinks about his double barrel. I need an ar-14mm with multiple sized 100-clipazines to ward off people encroaching on my porch.

  24. lack of TP reminds me of an old joke …
    a bear & a rabbit are taking a dump in the woods … bear looks over to the rabbit & says, “you ever have a problem w/ shit stickin’ to yer fur?”. rabbit says, “nope” … bear scoops up the rabbit & says, “good”
    (just love the visual on the punch line … yeah, I’m sick)

    the panic is ridiculous, worse than Y2K … you’d think people would learn from being punked so much

  25. Mom called back to tell me her Mesikin housemaid scored one of those giant 5million roll deals of TP.

    She said “GOOD GREIF!? Why did you buy all that TP?”

    Maid:”Heet wazz hon salez.”

    Me: “SON OF A B!TCH!”

    Mom: “What’s the matter?”

    Me: “MY MAID IS FROM PERU!!! She can’t even find the Comet scubber stuff under the sink, useless….USELESS!!!!!”

    Basically I’m sayin’, you wanna’ live through this, find a Mesikin.

  26. Reality check

    This virus escaped into the City of Wuhan in mid December. It took two weeks to manifest as a cluster of new respiratory cases

    Then the Govt put a lid on this for a month. So 8.5 million people in a city the size of NYC went walking around in mass crowds, sneezing on each other for, rubbing up against each other for SIX WEEKS. If it was anywhere near as contagious as some make it out to be, Everyone would have caught it

    Given that 5% of cases go critical, that means that over 400K people in just the city of Wuhan .. dead; because none of the criticals would have survived

    I know the Chinese figures are BS, but would they fudge figures by 10,000%? Could they? Our satelites would have caught any activity needed to dispose of 400K corpses

    It just dont add up in any way

  27. @refuse/resist: Y2K WOULD have been a really big deal if not for the thousands of programmers (like me) that worked their butts off for 2-3 years in advance in order to fix the computer code that would have crashed big time with no intervention on their part. Programmers who received no or very little recognition for their efforts.

    P.S. – You’re welcome.


  28. @Vietvet – I remember that whole period vividly. Raising two kids at the time, I had 5-gallon buckets full of dehydrated food “just in case.”

    But in the programming world for banks and government prior to Y2K, it was:

    “Attention all retired COBAL programmers! There is a national emergency and we need you ALL back stat!”

    And it actually was a national emergency that was quietly – and seemingly magically – solved by professionals.

  29. @Jimmy: You got that right – and even more in demand were the assembler language programmers (like me) who were in very short supply. This country never even realized the bullet they dodged at that time.

    It’s probably just as well, actually. Anarchy is never pretty.

  30. @AbigailAdams,
    I’ve been reading comments on FB on some groups where adult children are having a fit that their adult parents won’t listen to them and take this seriously. It seems the common theme is, “If I die, I die, I lived a good life. Mind your own damn business and lock yourself in your closet with your toilet paper, we’ve lived through a lot worse than this.”

  31. @Vietvet – I was writing RPG on AS400’s during Y2K. I bought programs that fixed everything for us. 😃

    I said all that was gonna happen was a bunch of Yuppies would be running around waving their ATM cards saying “Do you know who I AM?”

    That – was pretty much it. 😉

  32. Whether or not this turns out to be nothing or something.. at least I feel somewhat vindicated from all the assholes laughing at me for being a “prepper.” I stack all kinds of things to keep me comfortable at all times. It started with 9/11 and much more so with Zer0 as president.

  33. @Old Racist White Woman — Yes! It’s certainly giving me a deeper understanding of my own elderly mother. So funny, because this is what I basically said to my daughter, too.

    I have to say, though, that I am alarmed at the trending bandwagon among Gen Z who are calling Wuhan Virus “Boomer Remover”. That’s just cold.

  34. I was in the telco in Y2K. Those D4 Channel Banks didn’t give a tinker’s cuss what year it was… much less what galaxy in which they existed.

    The Bell System was solid.

    We tested all kinds of systems in safe times. Nothing that I know of broke down. We tested Litespans, WAFA-DO, WAFA-C, FOMS, COSMOS, T1 cards on both ends, Analog data, Digital data, ISDN.

    We couldn’t break anything.

  35. We used to put “Y2K OK” stickers on our hardhats, pliers, trucks, ladders, climbers…

    I was young and thought it was funny.

    Steve put that green sticker on his forehead.

    We made a lot of money those years coming up on Y2K.

  36. @Anonymous Erik, I was in the telco/datacenter bidness during Y2K. We prepped for months and I was available to work during the entire thing. I ended up catching the flu during christmas and was dead to the world at new years, wasn’t even awake to ring in 2000. Never did get a single call.

    @Geoff C. The Saltine, LOL I always thought a goosedown pillow would be good for wiping.

  37. Geoff, a live goose? Those things bite you know. There you are with your nut sack hanging there, vulnerable as hell. That might be one of my last choices for wiping.

  38. I recently bought a case of Rue De Perle Bordeaux 2007, and I have a bag of Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips the size of a small car and enough 380 ammo to hold of the Mexican Army for a few days. I’m Good!

  39. @AbigailAdams, I’ve been hearing that Boomer Remover too. Had a friend tell me her teenage granddaughter came over and told her everyone was saying that at school, she thought it was funny. My friend told her that wasn’t funny and her granddaughter told her that her and grandpa weren’t that old so why was she so mad about it. She told her they were both in their late 60’s and she thought she was lying until she showed her driver license to her, then she decided it wasn’t funny and said she was sorry.

    My kids aren’t that concerned with the virus and see this the same as my husband and I do as a media created panic, because we’re just as likely to die from the flu, cancer or auto accident as we are the coronavirus.

  40. Diggy, the sour cream and onion breath will be enough to hold off the Mesikin army.

    However, if it’s Federales, let them pass, they’re probably just delivering the TP roll from my timeshare.


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