Moron Teacher Schooled By Student With One Devastatingly Logical Lethal Bombshell Statement – IOTW Report

Moron Teacher Schooled By Student With One Devastatingly Logical Lethal Bombshell Statement

The embedded video shows students wiping chalked pro-life messages off the sidewalk at a college campus. When confronted by the pro-life students the fascist students said they were told to do this by a teacher named Thatcher.

Then they said it was “illegal” to record them in the public space and scurried away.

Enter teacher Gregory Thatcher.

With my gaydar making noises, the teacher bitchily says that he has the right to smear the chalk. The pro-life student doing the recording says they have permission by the school to use the sidewalk for their free speech.

The teacher says they don’t, that there is a designated area for free speech.

The student maintains that they have permission.

The teacher doubles down and says that if the chalk was in the free speech area he would leave it alone.

The student says, again, they have the right to their free speech in that area because they obtained the proper permission.

The teacher then waltzes over to the chalk and begins wiping it out with his sneakers, saying “well, this is me exercising my free speech,” (equating destruction, censorship and fascism with free speech.)

The student then delivers a crushing blow that goes right over the penis-shaped head of his.

She says, “you’re exercising your free-speech in the non-free speech zone.”


Well, this has a nice ending.

The jerk was given a $17,000 fine and has to take mandatory 1st amendment training!!!!!



22 Comments on Moron Teacher Schooled By Student With One Devastatingly Logical Lethal Bombshell Statement

  1. Gregory Thatcher was pretty quick to violate some little girls first Amendment Rights. The Bully that he is. I wonder if he would be so anxious with a man that was 280 pounds? Na, he’d call security and ask them to remove his enemy while he hid around the corner.
    If our educators do not understand the First Amendment what are they teaching our kids?

  2. Life is what we say it is. If you don’t like it then we can change the definition so that you are no longer life.
    We will ensure that you conform to our way of thinking or we will nullify your right to existence.

  3. About your $17,.000 fine. You can pay it in cash, we do not accept checks. Your other choice is to have your salary stopped until the debt is paid. What word or sequence of words do you not understand?

  4. It now seems much out of character, but California has the only state law in the U.S. that protects students’ First Amendment rights at all public and private colleges and universities in the state. It’s known as the Leonard Law.

    A friend of mine is a litigation lawyer in CA and used to work with David Horowitz. My friend is fiercely proud of the fact that he (pro bono) took the case of a UCSD student whose free speech right was stomped on, won the case, and as part of the award got the judge to require all of the involved profs and admins to attend mandatory First Amendment sensitivity training.


    You can chalk anything on the ground, not on walls, vertical surfaces.

    You can post anything or take down anything on the public kiosks.

    I went to a university too. Don’t let them tell you otherwise.

  6. Did you hear him yip out “a university is not a free speech area”?!

    Then WTF are universities for, you stupid brickhead ?!?! If ideas can’t be freely exchanged in an academic setting, then turn your entire institution into a Jiffy Lube!

    And turn in your ID, dumbass, you’re employment is done.

  7. Ravi Zacharaias explains the word university. Unity in diversity. Apparently the fascistic anti-fascists didn’t hear Ravi that day. Or any other day for that matter. Ravi speaks truth to power on university campuses all over the world. Catch him on YouTube. There is no clean version of unity where fascism rules. Diversity would be swallowed up, propaganda reigning and ultimately free thinkers killed off. These asshats lie to themselves every morning in front of their mirrors and all the way through till their last glance at night. That or they’re dumb as a box of rocks. So to speak.

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