Moron Twitter Leftists Seize Upon Trump Misspeak- Ignore Larger Point – IOTW Report

Moron Twitter Leftists Seize Upon Trump Misspeak- Ignore Larger Point

Choice Meat.

Trump mangled an abortion message a bit, leaving morons an opening to play act that Trump said he’s against babies being born in the 9th month.


I challenged the guy who started the thread to answer whether he was against aborting babies in the 9th month or not?

It got me thinking about an argument you hear vegans make, that supermarkets make it easy for people to eat meat because all the killing is done for them. They say if people had to kill their own animal they might not be able to do it.

Okay, let’s stipulate that that is true (please don’t argue that you do kill your own meat, it’s not germane to this particular point.)

Doctors make it very convenient for you to abort, just like a supermarket makes it easy to eat meat. Before you can weigh in on the abortion issue, and offer your opinion, you must abort a baby with your bare hands.

If this “Todd Dracula” guy is of the opinion that babies can be aborted in the 9th month, he should be required to perform one.


6 Comments on Moron Twitter Leftists Seize Upon Trump Misspeak- Ignore Larger Point

  1. Is it just me or is the left getting more insane and incoherent by the hour lately. Are you sure Todd Dracula is not a 12 year old little girl because that argument would fit. I think the release of the memo has pushed them all over the edge. Donny the fag on MSNBC called for open warfare in the streets yesterday because Trump is a Russian dictator. Gee Donny that should work out well considering we have all the guns and ammo and your side can’t figure out which bathroom to use. This is actually getting boring.

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