Moronic Democrat Representative Says He was “Joking” After Moronic Tweet – IOTW Report

Moronic Democrat Representative Says He was “Joking” After Moronic Tweet

Twitter was swift and ruthless-

The idiot tried to say he was “joking.”

What’s the joke?


19 Comments on Moronic Democrat Representative Says He was “Joking” After Moronic Tweet

  1. Aha! He should marry AOC and have lots and lots of dumb and dumber little dears with which to begin the Johnny Appleseed replenishing of the American non-genius: Spread the dumbness. After all, it’s hereditary! ….smile….
    ….Lady in Red

  2. “Kentucky Rep John Yarmuth wearing an “F” pin in the Capitol yesterday: “We unseated 15 A-rated NRA members with F-rated members. So I’m going to have to get some more pins made.” ”

    So much for him defending the Constitution…

  3. Liberalism. It truly is a mental disease. These people get stupider by the hour. Plus we have AOC to mock all the time. Whoever it was that first said “you cant fix stupid” had to be thingink of democrats.

  4. yeah, I believe he was joking.
    Just like I believe rosenstein was joking about wearing a wire.

    Though I haven’t had any in quite a while, I think their Kentucky bourbon is still OK. I’m going to make a note to get some and check on that.

  5. I do know they have bourbon, race horses,, and they are home to the Knob Creek,gin range which is home to largest civilian machine gun shoot.

    A quick Youtube search of Knob Creek has a plethora of clips. The night shoots are rather spectacular.

  6. Speaking of Knob Creek…….this douche bag should be made to dash across the firing line during machine gun free fire……….if he makes it he wins a return trip back across.


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