Morons Show Their IQ – IOTW Report

Morons Show Their IQ

dm- Katie Hopkins:

They stood in the centre of Brussels. Row on row.

Hands held high, making hearts to the heavens. Showing the slaughtered they were not forgotten. Reminding themselves they were here with love. Looking to show humanity wins. That love conquers all.

They lay in the centre of London, face down where they fell. Stabbed by a knife, rammed with a car, flung, broken, into the Thames, life bleeding out on the curb.

And the news came thick and fast.

A car rammed deliberately into pedestrians on the bridge. Ten innocents down.

A police officer stabbed at the House of Commons. Confirmed dead.

Another woman now, dead at the scene.

Shots fired. An Asian man rushed to hospital.

A woman, plucked from the water.

And I grew colder. And more tiny.

No anger for me this time. No rage like I’ve felt before. No desperate urge to get out there and scream at the idiots who refused to see this coming.

Not even a nod for the glib idiots who say this will not defeat us, that we will never be broken, that cowardice and terror will not get the better of Britain.

Because, as loyal as I am, as patriotic as I am, as much as my whole younger life was about joining the British military and fighting for my country — I fear we are broken.

Not because of this ghoulish spectacle outside our own Parliament. Not because of the lives rammed apart on the pavement, even as they thought about what was for tea. Or what train home they might make.

But because this is us now.

This is our country now.

This is what we have become.

To this, we have been reduced.

Because all the while those forgiving fools in Brussels stood with their stupid hands raised in hearts to the sky, another mischief was in the making. More death was in the pipeline.

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33 Comments on Morons Show Their IQ

  1. Citizen, don’t you worry, government on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean is working around the clock to identify the attacker and his connections. Be grateful for your government’s diligence. Stifle any mean spirited thoughts you have towards muslems that want to kill you. And certainly don’t blame government, colleges, or the churches that shipped thousands of muslems sympathetic towards jihad into your communities and provided them public money and other assistance. Government knows what is best for you. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Be grateful toward your government.

  2. Europeans have been sissified by their governments and media, reducing them to the spineless cowards they are, and in a way, deserve what it happening to them. Until the masses rise up, the Muslims will slowly and eventually conquer Europe. If you don’t fight back, then you will die. So be it.

  3. @Reboot. UK is finished. EU dictorates decided this 43 years ago.
    We can push back on importing “refugees”. We can even demand cessation of chain migration, but if we don’t purge our educational system we don’t have a chance. The communists of the 60s are today’s educators. They’ve just discarded the hammer/sickle for the keffiyeh. We’re on the precipice.

  4. Old Commie Kruschev was partially right when he said “the west will sell us the the rope we use to hang them” What he should have said is “the West will use a grundle of their own money to import millions of Muslims into their countries who hate them and want to kill them”!

  5. I got as far as “Ten innocents down.” I knew I couldn’t stand the feeling of more brain cells crying out in the darkness, being killed by that shite. Unless those people were on their own way to Parliament, to plant their own powder kegs, and were killed by the friendly tire of another who just couldn’t queue, then they weren’t “innocent.” They were collaborators.

  6. I’m shocked that they didn’t break out en masse singing Kumbaya. Closing their eyes to what is happening isn’t going to make it go away. They are all being led to the slaughterhouse with love…

  7. @Am I Right? — That’s because, mentally, they are children. And they look like they’re playing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” with their hands. “Out came the rain and knocked the spider out..”

  8. Last night Tucker opened his show talking about the danger of Muslim immigration. A recent poll in England shows 24% of muslims want sharia law, and 4% are ok with terrorism. I have no reason to doubt the numbers here would be any different. Out of the million or so “refugees” Obozo and Bush have brought here, at least 4000 would be just fine and dandy with terrorism. Food for thought.

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