Most Spot On Recap of the Clockmed Debacle – But the Ending… the Ending is Bizarre – IOTW Report

Most Spot On Recap of the Clockmed Debacle – But the Ending… the Ending is Bizarre

A liberal goes on a rant about Clockmed, and it’s good. It’s very good.

But the ending will leave you shaking your head.

HT/ Petrus


13 Comments on Most Spot On Recap of the Clockmed Debacle – But the Ending… the Ending is Bizarre

  1. An unusual liberal. He hit on a lot of really good points, but I suspect the guy is a speed freak who ventured out of his usual realm and dwelled on some truth for a change, just because of the speed rush. Either that, or the guy main-lines coffee? Hard guy to listen to.

    If anything makes leftists look stupid, the insane progtard candidate he mentions at the end sure does. WTH?

  2. I still think it’s worth watching. I had to reload it 5 or 6 times thanks to utube locking up on me unless the video is embedded. It’s a damn curiosity at the least to hear this kind of talk coming from a self-proclaimed liberal. Too bad they aren’t all like this guy (but without voting rights).

    Good Night and Happy Thanksgiving eve. 8>]

  3. As advertised, I was cheering the guy on for most of the video, but then left shaking my head at the end.

    By the way, I’m usually pretty easily annoyed, but this guy didn’t get on my nerves until he mentioned the “Bern” he’s feeling.

  4. The guy goes on & on for 10 minutes about how UNlogically REgressives(hey that’s my word!) are acting and then says he’s a Bernie socialist because…logic???

    If he’s so GD fucking logical, then HTF can he ignore over 100 years of epic fail when you are talking about socialism??

    Lordie, REgressives-we need a massive reset.

  5. If Progs all were less gullible and could use reason, there wouldn’t be any.
    Socialists rely on the lowest common denominator, people who still believe in unicorns and a free lunch.

  6. he puts the pieces together pretty well and points out the stupidity re: clock-med but can’t put the pieces together nor spot the stupidity regarding Bernie Sander’s proposed policies?


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