Most Popular Dog Names – IOTW Report

Most Popular Dog Names

Female – Male

1. Luna1. Max
2. Bella2. Charlie
3. Daisy3. Cooper
4. Maggie4. Teddy
5. Willow5. Milo
6. Lucy6. Ollie
7. Bailey7. Bear
8. Rosie8. Rocky
9. Sadie9. Finn
10. Lola10. Leo

46 Comments on Most Popular Dog Names

  1. We named our dog Dagny, both because it means “new day” in Norse (she had been in the shelter for 18 months before we adopted her) and for Dagny Taggert of Atlas Shrugged. There is a Sadie in our neighborhood but we know no dogs with any of these other names.

  2. Ah, how do we know they are either male or female? Pretty presumptuous and haughty to assume our pet’s gender.

    I suggest more gender fluidity;

    Parker, River, Dylan, Riley, Logan, something that does not shout patriarchy and lends itself to its more feminine side.

  3. And the most common human female’s name who names dogs with names listed above is… Ninny.

    And the most common human male’s name who names dogs with names listed above is… Nimrod.

  4. We had a Bernese Mountain Dog. Born about the time Ronald Reagan died. We named her Liberty as I heard the word over and over during the Reagan funeral.

  5. Since I was a kid, I have had many dogs beginning with Bugle the beagle, Jones or Jonesy, Buddy my rough collie and my son’s first dog, Snickers, our mixed breed mutt that hated cats, two female golden retrievers Sam and Indie and now Kirby AKA Flash the speedy and extremely active blonde border collie.

  6. @P Henry, we had a Bernese Mountain Dog, too! Sweetest dog ever! I named him Mr Bingley after a main character in Jane Austen’s book “Pride and Prejudice”. Before you roll your eyes, the character was a handsome, kind-hearted, friendly gentleman who wins the sweet, beautiful girl in the story. 😉

    Bingley really fit his name. He never barked at anyone; just a good ol’ boy. He lived to 12 yrs old which was very good for that breed. I sure miss him.

  7. We have two yellow labs that allow us to live with them. They both have their proper names. But when I address them they always respond to DOG. And the can differentiate through eye contact. Also, the cat answers to “Hey Cat”.
    That’s just the way I role. LOL

  8. I’ve had one cat since I was married in 1977, my wife supposedly didn’t like cats, so we never had one when my kids were growing up. We got our male yellow tabby Finn (Finnegan McGee) in Dec. 2012 and he and Kirby are best buds for the most part except when Kirby tries herding him which is what border collies do.

  9. My dog was a 10 yo rescue (now 13) named Lady. At 10 I thought I better keep it so not to confuse her. But Lady was way too generic. I made Lady into a title. She’s now “Lady Lovey Lovebug”. She’s gotten used to Lovey.

  10. Redgrandma

    That’s too funny. See my post above. My wife calls our tough guy Lab lovey. He won’t answer to me when I call him lovey. But he jumps to attention when she calls him lovey. He’s just dawg to me.

  11. I have Jellybean, Gummybear, Dingo (A dingo ate my baby!), Gizmo, Rusty (wicket), and Princess Buttercup. LOL!

    I named Dingo, but the rest, you can rest assured were named my my Wife and Son.

  12. I was at Walter’s place and his shitzoo (I don’t know how to spell it, fuck you) came up to me to be petted. Water said, “His name is Douche…”

    I asked Dad, later, “Why the fuck he name his dog Douche?”

    Dad corrected me. His name is Deuce. Which is marginally better.

  13. If and when I get a dog, or maybe another cat, I’ll name it Gorlp, a well-known Space Alien guy.

    Why? It will be rather funny to see people trying to say its name. Some folks could experience negative effects when trying really hard to pronounce it, like swallowing their own tongues.

  14. In the ’80’s when I had a 2nd job at a vet clinic I had the tallest doberman named Zora. She was surrendered by a client who no longer wanted her. Most gentle dog but scared people in my crappy south Lorain neighborhood due to size.

    Best cat names – Noneck, feral I tamed. He had a big softball sized head and no neck. The day he got neutered one of the vet techs sang a song- Noneck is a no nuts. He died in his sleep at 19 years.

    I miss them and all who have gone before.

  15. A stray (not feral) cat decided she liked to hang out in my neighbor’s shop. As is normal for cats, it was always exploring its habitat. This isn’t always a good thing in a mechanic’s shop.

    “Cat! You asshole! Get outa the bead blaster!”
    “Cat! You asshole! Get outa the paint cabinet!”
    “Cat! You asshole! Get outa MY WAY!”

    And that’s how the cat got its name: Cat-You-Asshole.

  16. Speaking of Max, does anyone name their machines?

    We have 3 vacuums: Max, Tina, and Useless.

    My dog (avatar) is Thalia. Her nickname is Tolly-ollie-wowly-golly-ump-come-free, or Tolly for short. 😃️

  17. Our first two we got at the same time and we named them Bonnie and Clyde. We found a dog behind our property that had been hit by a car (injured but not dead, paralyzed front leg). Never found her owners, kept her and named her Jane as in Calamity Jane to go with the others…sort of.

  18. Joke from the late 90s –
    Why did Clinton name his dog “Buddy?” instead of Spot?
    Because he didn’t want to be caught walking around the White House yelling “Come, Spot!”

  19. @Brad

    “But I’d train him to hump only women’s lags”

    LMFAO, Dude, that’s your job.

    That is true, sir. But i’d start at the calf, massage the knee, head for the upper thigh, and then hit the sweet spot. Humper would be satisfied with just a leg.

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