Mother whines that her crossdressing son isn’t accepted by his peers on the playground – IOTW Report

Mother whines that her crossdressing son isn’t accepted by his peers on the playground

She describes her son –

…decked out in hot pink Justice sweatpants, a neon hearts and emojis “girls” T-shirt, and pink and purple Twinkle Toe Skechers. He is perched delicately atop the hard, steel yellow monkey bars, alone, watching the other kids who seemingly never have to worry about finding a playmate.

He sashays up to the other kids and says in a voice, and with mannerisms, of a girl, (the mother’s own description) ” hi, my name is Charlie, do you want to play?”

She says sometimes he gets “lucky.”

More often than not the kids usually walk away.

What exactly does she want to have happen? How is this the world’s fault? People make choices about who they want to play with all the time. The kid doesn’t have to look fruity and weird in his hot pink “justice” sweat pants to be rejected, but it ain’t helping.


With his look, and his opening line, one wonders just what it is Charlie wants to do. What does “play” mean?

PJ Media writer, Walter Hudson, pens a thoughtful and personal article paralleling what it’s like for an autistic boy, his son, to make friends.

Don’t Blame My Kid for Thinking Your Cross-Dressing Child Is Weird


39 Comments on Mother whines that her crossdressing son isn’t accepted by his peers on the playground

  1. I seem to remember folks on our side predicting that pretty soon it wouldn’t be enough for us to simply tolerate this sort of nonsense, but that we would be required to actively participate.

    I also remember the assholes on the other side poo-pooing this notion.

    These normal kids are going to be forced by the school to include this freak show in their activities.

    Next, it will be considered discrimination for normal teenage males to refuse to date a tranny.

  2. This woman should have her child taken away. I’m pretty sure shes pushed this child to behave in this way. Its a form of Munchausen syndrome. This is child abuse.

  3. Newsflash, everyone gets rejected but it is going to happen a hell of a lot more often when you act like a freak. Instead of encouraging unhealthy behavior and trying to force society to accept it why doesn’t this mother deal with her mental health issues along with her sons.

  4. Sometimes it seems like the world’s a pretty fucked-up place.
    Then the fog clears and you understand that the world’s not really a fucked-up place, just that it’s got a bunch of fucked-up people living on it.

    Mostly this is the fault of a strange, nihilistic Romanticism perpetrated by writers, play-writes, movie directors, actors, and producers of all manner of fiction who perceive the outcast, the anti-hero, as the “true” hero and the God-fearing as villains. In the popular fiction, they (the anti-heroes) ALWAYS resort to extreme violence to “right” the “wrong” perceived by them and are depicted (by the Romantic nihilistic author) as being “justified” before God and man.

    Is it any wonder that so many of these mentally-ill perverts later resort to violence – either against “society” or themselves? How could the result be otherwise when we “promote and encourage” evil?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. This is why you deplorable “people” need to get out of Progress™’ way!

    Centuries ago when MOM SAID my child says “xe wants” the world to treat xer as if xe has leukemia, so mom shaved xer head, starved xer (to get that wasting look), sent xer to school with an IV bag hanging from the side of xer backpack, and went on TV weeping about her “poor, poor baby,” The Patriarchy would do horrible, evil things to the entire family. (I know, The Patriarchy always does horrible, evil things, but they’d single that family out for even more horror and evil, than usual.)

    Now that settled science has proven the absurdity of such toxic masculinity interfering with Mother Nature™, you bitter clingers want to claim that if you change the props then you’ve somehow discovered something shiny and new. It’s sickening.

  6. It seems sort of strange that child protective services (CPS) will criminally charge a dad because a child will get up, dress and go to school on Saturday, after his dad told him it was Saturday, go back to bed yet look the other way when a dumbass mother tries to re-create a girl out of a God created boy. No charge lady, carry on with your abusive stupidity. He is the only one who will suffer, no problem.

  7. The feeling both child and mother should be feeling is called a shame. It is a function of the human conscience to let you know what you’re doing something wrong or abnormal. The reason the other children are walking away is not because they are necessarily bigoted towards the cross dressing child, they are just embarrassed and confused because it is not normal!
    This is basic human nature. People hang out with people they can agree with, people are attracted to and usually marry people who look like them. It’s not bigotry it’s psychology and biology.
    My advice, if you want to live a happier more productive life, don’t be a fucking weirdo.

  8. Great article that articulates the difference between a condition that is recognized and managed by responsible parents, and one that has – at the bottom of it – a colluding parent for whatever disordered reason.

    Here’s a general PSA.
    Hey, whining malingerers, attention seekers, and others that will suck the life out of you if given even a quarter of a chance:

    The caterers are not on strike. We’ve quit. We have too much going on keeping our own socks up and steering clear of your lunacy, with too little time left over to deservedly enjoy the fruits of our labor. Nine times out ten, you are the author of your own misery, so figure things out and deal with it. Speaking for myself, I’m done.

  9. Hit the showers!

    C’mere, l’il boy … I’ll make you a MAN!
    Do you like Gladiator movies?
    Is that your quarter?
    Pick up the soap! Y’know what else you can do with soap?
    Pretend it’s a Kazoo!
    Think of it as a joint … just put it in your mouth – and SUCK!
    REAL men don’t cry.
    Look at it this way – now you’ve got a place to park your Honda! (Civic or Goldwing)

  10. That was pulled from

    “So, just to recap, Dr. Hallie Lieberman of the University of Wisconsin (a) wants to mandate health insurance coverage for dildos, (b) advocates providing pornography to minors, (c) is anti-marriage, (d) is pro-butt plug, (e) believes men should be required to own prosthetic vaginas and, in case you didn’t guess (f) hates Republicans. Well, let’s return to see what she was teaching in freshman English class:
    By the time I taught about transgender representation in the media, the semester was more than halfway done. I was worried that even though trans issues are having a moment, many of my straight male students would be made uncomfortable by discussions of transgender. So I left this topic for later in the course . . . . Giggling and being visibly uncomfortable is a legitimate response for kids who’ve never met a trans person, whose parents are die-hard Republicans who oppose gay marriage, as many of my students’ parents were. . . .
    As the week went on, I realized that there was subversive potential in teaching teenagers about transgender issues with no apologies . . .
    As a graduate student, I’d taken multiple courses on gender and sexuality, but I never saw a straight man in my course. . . .
    And why do you think that was, Dr. Lieberman? Because (a) Gender Studies programs are run by lesbians who hate heterosexual men, and (b) even if a heterosexual man somehow got a Gender Studies degree, no university in America would hire him, because the institutional purpose of having Gender Studies departments is to help meet “diversity” quotas by providing faculty employment for man-hating lesbians.
    You dishonesty — the unethical bait-and-switch by which you defrauded those freshmen who had signed up for a required English course — is typical of the entire fraudulent enterprise of academic feminism.
    You should be ashamed of yourself, Dr. Lieberman, but if you had any capacity for shame, you wouldn’t be Professor Dildo, would you?”

  11. Exactly like giving the kid two teddy bears for his crib – one white and one brown – but calling the white one “Chocolate” and the brown one “Vanilla” from crib to kindergarten.

    He hears them called the wrong thing 100% of the time before he ventures into the world on his own.

    And you wonder why he has a problem fitting in, concluding it’s the world that needs correction?

    You’re about as f**ked up as they come, lady.

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