Mount Vernon Pulls George Washington Fake Teeth Magnet over Slave Accusation – IOTW Report

Mount Vernon Pulls George Washington Fake Teeth Magnet over Slave Accusation

Breitbart: George Washington’s Mount Vernon has discontinued a magnet depicting the first president’s false teeth in light of a controversy about their origin.

A souvenir replica of George Washington’s dentures has been pulled from the Mount Vernon site after protests that the teeth were pulled from slaves’ mouths to fill his own. Author and historian Dr. Ana Lucia Araujo tweeted at the official Mount Vernon account early Tuesday morning: “Dear @MountVernon,” she wrote, “it’s time to remove the magnet of Washington’s teeth (that included teeth of enslaved persons) from your store.” read more

18 Comments on Mount Vernon Pulls George Washington Fake Teeth Magnet over Slave Accusation

  1. “Critics have argued that the teeth MAY have been taken without consent“. In other words, no proof. People, free and slaves had their teeth pulled all the time, for a variety of reasons; there was no need to pull perfectly good teeth to make dentures, there wasn’t a shortage.

  2. If you go to the link (Breitbart) and see the item of discussion, I cannot imagine anyone ever buying the contraption.
    Like it might be in the top ten all time disgusting souvenirs.


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