Mr. Pinko on the Andrea Shea King Show – Monday – January 25 – 9:00pm est – – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko on the Andrea Shea King Show – Monday – January 25 – 9:00pm est –

Monday – January 25 – 9:00pm est – Mr. Pinko on the Andrea Shea King Show

CALL IN # 646 478-4604

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on The Andrea Shea King show by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
Mr. Pinko’s views and opinions do not represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice for voicing his opinion on the Andrea Shea King show.

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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24 Comments on Mr. Pinko on the Andrea Shea King Show – Monday – January 25 – 9:00pm est –

  1. @ Mr Pinko .. You will be disappointed – I sound like Trump and Joe Pesce

    Well, hell, you could walk down Fifth Avenue with 15 heads in a duffel bag and you’d be even more popular around here !

  2. Plain Jane, I wanted to be part of the online chat but when I went to sign-in I couldn’t do it without going through the rigmarole of signing up for blog talk radio and registering as a user (albeit for free). I thought there would be an easy way to just sign in as a guest, as so many had. I was following youse guys’ chat, though.

    It would be fun to put a IOTWr live debate together using blog talk radio, yes?

  3. @ AbigailAdams, absolutely Yes. But I’m still glad you were vocalized. 🙂 When you first came on, I had left the computer for a couple of minutes, so when I returned, I heard a third voice and asked who was speaking. I think it was C.Steven Tucker who said it was you. I thought “Oh good.” You are a terrific voice for commenters.

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