UPDATE-Mr. President – Finish What You Were Elected To Do – IOTW Report

UPDATE-Mr. President – Finish What You Were Elected To Do

Back in the day I would always solicit the advice of the readers in order to make an iOTWreport joint effort.

This is a perfect candidate. Let’s make this as epic as the Sgt. Peppers cover.

List in the comments the icons that should be in this $hithole (ht/ Mark Zist) and let’s make this one something people can be proud to pass around.

I will determine the popularity of the icons by the thumbs up, so if you’re not suggesting an icon, please clap, err, vote.

81 Comments on UPDATE-Mr. President – Finish What You Were Elected To Do

  1. I see him burying obama, what want to see is the same hard line on illegals as we heard in the campaign. I know politics involves compromise but illegal invaders are not part of the compromise.

  2. Please Mr. President continue steadfast in setting things right in America including illegal immigration (send’em back + WALL); permanant tax cuts + budget); and generally reversing the black heartedness of obammer/DNC.

    Don’t wobble, stumble, or hesitate.

  3. Only one year in and president Trump is off to one hell of a start. It looks like you have obama about one quarter of the way under which is about right. As far as I can tell all he has to do is get rid of all of obama care and build the wall and fix the illegal invader problem. We all know that he has to have help from congress to do them. I want laws not EO’s or it can be undone by who ever comes next.
    Nice work Mr. Hat.

  4. Steady as She goes, Mr. President.
    President Trump has tapped the font of American Greatness.
    It’s a gusher.
    America needs us some Trump Trunks, so we can go swimming in all the Greatness

  5. CNN logo, of course. But I hate to elevate them to that level of concern. They’re self-burying — it’s the only thing they well.

    Nancy and Chuckie — pictured as zombies. (that won’t take a lot of change to their pictures)

  6. ObamaCare
    Paris Climate Accord
    99% of Federal regulations
    The current Tax Code
    Affirmative Action (and variants)
    The Ninth District Court (of jesters)
    and of course:
    The ‘Russian’ investigation

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