MS-13 Gang Members Accused of Butchering Massachusetts Teen – IOTW Report

MS-13 Gang Members Accused of Butchering Massachusetts Teen

Breitbart: Six members of the MS-13 gang are accused of butchering a Massachusetts teenager with a knife as if they were “chopping wood.”

The gang members were charged in a Boston federal courtroom Wednesday with racketeering in connection with the August 2 slaying of 17-year-old Herson Rivas.

Authorities discovered the teen’s body in a wooded area of Lynn, a suburb located nearly four miles away from Boston.

Court documents state that one of the suspects stabbed Rivas “with such force his knife became warped during the attack.”

Prosecutors believe the MS-13 members—many of whom are illegal aliens—murdered Rivas because he was thought to be cooperating with law enforcement.

One of the six suspects, a 19-year-old Salvadorean national named Henri Salvador Gutierrez, had evaded deportation the month before the murder.

Authorities say Salvador successfully convinced an immigration judge that he was not a threat to public safety or involved in a gang.

In fact, at least four of the suspects entered the U.S. illegally from El Salvador, and immigration authorities had detained at least two of the suspects before releasing them.  more

8 Comments on MS-13 Gang Members Accused of Butchering Massachusetts Teen

  1. There’s a labor shortage every summer on Cape Cod. Give those gang members jobs and the problem will be solved. Teddy Kennedy would have sympathized with those tattooed terrorists. Right, Mary Jo?

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