MSM Lavish Attention on President Trump’s Day in Court – IOTW Report

MSM Lavish Attention on President Trump’s Day in Court


Former President Donald Trump was arraigned on Tuesday on charges related to the retention of classified documents and CNN and MSNBC wanted to make sure you were of it.

A study of the two networks from 5 AM to midnight Eastern found that 95.21 percent of their non-commercial air time was devoted this one issue.  The two networks combined for 28 hours, 44 minutes, and 2 seconds of which 27 hours, 21 minutes, and 25 seconds was devoted to Trump or some aspect of the case. More

4 Comments on MSM Lavish Attention on President Trump’s Day in Court

  1. But, of course, not anything in the Cuban cafe in Miami or his speech at the NJ ciuntry club. They couldn’t allow any of that because they could never broadcast any lies.

  2. One of these days, just to cover their asses, the dumpocraps will try to shove a law through congress that will keep an indicted or convicted person from being voted president, or bar such a person from occupying the WH, if voted president.

    Unless such a low already exists.


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