MSM Starting to Report the Obvious About Joe Biden – IOTW Report

MSM Starting to Report the Obvious About Joe Biden


The Democrat Party has to be wringing their hands and sweating bullets over Biden’s stubborn and foolhardy attempt at another term. It makes you wonder if there are ongoing efforts behind the scenes to push Biden out, and make way for someone who doesn’t give off cadaver vibes. That brings us to a recent New York Times article that paints Joe Biden as a confused “grandad” who is often so fatigued that his staff gives him “space” on the weekends so he can rest. Oh boy. One can’t help but wonder if this is the Old Gray Lady’s gentile way of telling the left that it’s time to put ol’ Joe out to pasture. More

22 Comments on MSM Starting to Report the Obvious About Joe Biden

  1. The RFK candidacy threw the Deep State a curve ball. They were setting Biden up for a fall so as to install a younger, fresher communist but RFK is getting in the way with better polling. Unfortunately the previous tactics used on the Kennedy Clan may be a bit too much this time.

  2. “MSM Starting to Report the Obvious About Joe Biden”

    …it’s obvious that he’s a reasonous, tyrannical, neurosyphiliptic, self-aggrandizing, prevaricating, perverted peodophile demented puppet who is only being called “president” because he was installed by a fraud that he’s too arrogant to even acknowledge.

    Until they report THAT, they aren’t reporting “the obvious”.

  3. It doesn’t make any difference. Braindead libs will vote for whoever they are told to vote for. They will Lock their next nominee in the basement and Tell the world now great he is and Dems will vote for it,also our corrupt voting system will be there for insurance.

  4. Maybe the MSM is like the posters in China. That was the way the actual rulers got their messages out without making official pronouncements.

    And we know the MSM is the mouthpiece for the Democrats/Deep State anyway.

  5. Everyone knows he will not be the nominee, even Dorktor Jill. They are just going through the motions at this point. It will be Manchelle at the last possible moment to “save” the nation from the Orange monster, but they will delay as long as possible because she is a lazy entitled bitch and does not want to work for anything.

    Commiela will be promised a SC seat and they will jettison Sotomayor as the leaker.

  6. “MSM Starting to Report the Obvious About Joe Biden”

    legacy media drove the getaway car for biteme et al. and now they’re attempting to distance themselves from the part they played in the stolen election(s)

  7. Cisco Kid AT 1:22 PM

    “Commiela will be promised a SC seat and they will jettison Sotomayor as the leaker.”

    …more likely that they will give Justice Thomas the same pillow they gave Antonin Scalia.

  8. How I read it before my double take:

    The Democrat Party has to be wringing their hands and sweating bullets over Biden’s stillborn and foolhardy attempt at another term.


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