MSNBC: Golf score Tweets are just like NoKo dictatorship!!11! – IOTW Report

MSNBC: Golf score Tweets are just like NoKo dictatorship!!11!

MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle said Tuesday that Sen. Lindsey Graham tweeting President Trump’s golf score is “Kim Jong Un type of antics.”

Sen. Graham played golf with Trump on Monday and afterward sent some fun tweets about Trump’s golf score.

How DARE he?!

SNIP: Is this really about tactics or is this about her hero 0bama sucking at golf ?

8 Comments on MSNBC: Golf score Tweets are just like NoKo dictatorship!!11!

  1. Wait til she finds out he said he has a higher IQ than Tillerson. That’ll really troll her hard.

    But before you get in a swivet, Stephanie…

    “I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

  2. Never heard of Stephanie Ruhle. Don’t care.
    Is she the woman ahead of me in the grocery store with the coupons and asking for price checks?

    And I wait patiently to buy my loaf of bread pondering ways to kill her in the parking lot.

  3. Down to every last one, whoever spends time with the President reports that it was enjoyable and he’s a big-hearted man.

    Contrast that with the no-nothing Fake News jackals who attack Our President every moment and in every way, constantly. For an example, Colbert should be deprived of air.

  4. And here is Obama’s horrible golf swing

    💥His horrible baseball throws
    💥His horrible basketball skills (CLANK!)
    💥His horrible bowling skills (special olympics)
    💥His horrible shooting skills (skeet at Camp David)
    💥His horrible beach football skills (drooling Brian Williams)
    💥His horrible ping-pong skills in Britain

    Anyone want to make a compilation video of his “other-worldly” athletic acumen?

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