MSNBC’s Dr.Vin Gupta: Just Because You Get Vaccinated Doesn’t Mean You Should be Traveling or That You’re Liberated From Masks – IOTW Report

MSNBC’s Dr.Vin Gupta: Just Because You Get Vaccinated Doesn’t Mean You Should be Traveling or That You’re Liberated From Masks


It was never about a virus.

MSNBC’s Dr. Vin Gupta on Tuesday said that just because you’ve been vaccinated doesn’t mean you’re allowed to travel or walk around without a face mask on.

President Trump launched “Operation Warp Speed” earlier this year in an effort to produce a safe and effective Covid vaccine by the end of 2020.

“We’re here to discuss a monumental national achievement. From the instant the coronavirus invaded our shores, we raced into action to develop a safe and effective vaccine at breakneck speed. It would normally take five years, six years, seven years, or even more. In order to achieve this goal, we harnessed the full power of government, the genius of American scientists, and the might of American industry to save millions and millions of lives all over the world. We’re just days away from authorization from the FDA, and we’re pushing them hard, at which point we will immediately begin mass distribution,” Trump said last week at the Operation Warp Speed vaccine Summit. more

34 Comments on MSNBC’s Dr.Vin Gupta: Just Because You Get Vaccinated Doesn’t Mean You Should be Traveling or That You’re Liberated From Masks

  1. Take your mask, roll it up if you have to, and shove it up your ass.

    My Mother, who supposedly had wuhan, was extubated in my presence. (extubation would spray wuhan all over the fucking place) I didn’t get it, either because I already had it, or she never had it.

    I think the point is you are going to get it and die from it, or get it and not die from it. All this maskhole bullshit is just that: Maskhole Bullshit.

    And take your vaccine and shove that up your ass, too.

  2. This is a perfect example of ‘there is strength in numbers’.

    Ashamed to say the dems are better organized than we are.
    There is NO reason why we can’t become a force to be reckoned with.

  3. Uncle Al.
    I linked that as a PSA to IOWreports readers. You have called it into question. I believe you owe us an explanation to why the author of that link is incorrect. Thank you.

  4. @Brad — OK.

    Ask the doctor, “Does the vaccine have MRC-5 in it?” (THEY ALL DO)

    No, not all vaccines are made with the MRC-5 aborted fetus cell line, and even Pope Benedict XVI differentiates between vaccines with those cells actually incorporated and those with a more distant connection. There’s a Vatican paper discussing the question of “good” vs. “bad” vaccines.

    Also ask, “Is there a possibility of a LATROGENIC [sic] REACTION?” (an adverse reaction caused by multiple compounds or drugs interacting with each other) from the vaccine (THEY ALL DO).

    There is no such word as Lactrogenic with an “L”. The author clearly meant to write Iatrogenic with an “I”, but it doesn’t mean quite what he says it means. Here’s the definition:

    Induced unintentionally by a physician through his diagnosis, manner, or treatment; of or pertaining to the induction of (mental or bodily) disorders, symptoms, etc., in this way.

    Finally, there was a SCOTUS case back in 1905 dealing with a Boston man who refused to be vaccinated against smallpox. The decision still holds. The majority opinion upholding the $5.00 fine imposed on the man said, in part,

    Until otherwise informed by the highest court of Massachusetts, we are not inclined to hold that the statute establishes the absolute rule that an adult must be vaccinated if it be apparent or can be shown with reasonable certainty that he is not at the time a fit subject of vaccination, or that vaccination, by reason of his then condition, would seriously impair his health, or probably cause his death. No such case is here presented. It is the cause of an adult who, for aught that appears, was himself in perfect health and a fit subject of vaccination, and yet, while remaining in the community, refused to obey the statute and the regulation adopted in execution of its provisions for the protection of the public health and the public safety, confessedly endangered by the presence of a dangerous disease.

    It is possible to refuse a vaccination, but you have to show a quite high degree of risk to health or of death than the infographic you posted says.

    I wish it were otherwise, but there it is.

  5. Something to think about: Biden claims he was coughing because he has a cold, which is quite possible, but no one seems to observe that if a mask (he always wears one) won’t protect you from a cold it won’t protect you from the covid either.

  6. @Brad — Will that do?

    BTW, I normally expect the author of a comment/post to do their own fact checking, as I initially suggested to you. It is because of my respect for you and our iOTW friendship that I gladly made the effort, as I am certain it was not your intention to mislead anybody. But that infographic is, unfortunately, pretty misleading.

  7. Thanks for answering Uncle Al. Lot’s of peeps here are not spring chicken and getting one of these shots is still questionable. Probably deserves some sort of sticky thread.


    Should have been ” Lactrogenic”. As in lactose, lactating. Don’t ask me, I have no idea.

    It sounds like you’re sold on “the shot”. You might be right. People had the same reaction with the Polio Virus back in the day until they found out it worked.
    I have real heartburn over he fact some, or all, of these vaccines are made from dead babies. That’s my superficial shit.
    The CDC is recommending buying EPI pens for two of these vaccines just in case you have an allergic reaction. Not good.
    Me or mine aren’t jumping in right away. Like I say, a sticky thread here of some type, gathering info would be super cool.

  8. Sold on “the shot”?! F*@X NO!

    I’m very leery of vaccines, and especially these new mRNA anti-Wuhan ones. It’s because I do NOT want “the shot” that I’ve been looking into how to refuse and make it stick, and without being effectively locked up for not getting stuck.

  9. Commie “President Elect” Joe might have a “cold” after all, since Covid is a strain of the cold virus.
    If his handlers are letting him get sick before January 20th and Kama Kameleon still hasn’t given up her Senate seat, the Deep State election fraud coup d’etat scheme may not be working out so well. Hmmm…

  10. @Brad:

    @Uncle Al:

    BTW, I normally expect the author of a comment/post to do their own fact checking…

    That’s pretty funny Al. Let’s see if you can adhere to your new rule.

    Well, there’s the fact that I don’t think I’m “normal” very often…(-:

    But you make a fair point. Call me on it if I screw up, please.

  11. Mmm… No. pass.
    Corona isn’t that serious if Oregon’s trying stop white people from getting the vaccine. It isn’t that serious if hospitals are lying about the infection rates just to get cash. It isn’t that serious if politicians are walking around without masks, having dinner parties.

  12. ^^^oops, wrong post for thread/topic, but still relates because evidently Dr.”Kervorkian” Jill hasn’t prescribed a Covid curing drug regiment for obviously Covid stricken President Deflect Joe – and Joe was such a dutiful mask wearing dolt… er..advocate. More proof masks are just mandated virtue signalling.

  13. So now even if you get the shot, your supposed to keep wearing a mask? Lame Stream media communists just proving the point that it’s was never about the Chinese virus, but all about control over the masses.
    Time to start breaking out the piano wire, and paying their studios a visit.

  14. Cripes!! NOT ONE of the WHO/CDC or self-declared Communist geniuses (but I repeat) has ever given a CONCLUSIVE statement describing EXACTLY what the so-called “Corona Virus 19” is! Did I miss the press briefing or what? Is it genetically engineered/tampered? Is it a mutation of earlier, similar viruses? Is it spread by animals? Is it bigger than a bread box?

    Why on earth would I get a vaccine (made up of what, the CV19 virus?) if I don’t even know what it’s supposed to be protecting me from? And if it’s like any other kind of infuenza innoculation, it’s highest successs rate will hover around 40%. Should I take the risk for those odds? I don’t know, but I’m not going to go first to find out.

  15. If masks worked, “they” would have mandated masks with particular characteristics. They haven’t. I could walk around with a mask made of a single layer of cheese cloth and everyone would think that was just dandy.

  16. Uncle Al, that was good info you provided, but the simple fact that a link was provided in the comment declares that the info is not from the commenter but from the author of the link. Your good info clarified some of the assertions but it did not negate the basic premise, that if push comes to shove folks can refuse to take the vaccine.

    I see posts written here all the time ,”So and So said yadda yadda” but when listening to the clip myself it is obvious that the absolute worst of intentions were used to filter a statement, that with a more generous heart could be interpreted differently.
    This is the internet, where conjecture, supposition, hunches, biases, emotions and feelings all take on the imprimatur of fact. Thankfully, we have good folks like yourself that have personal knowledge, education or training that helps us separate the wheat from the chaff.

  17. A self edit is necessary;

    “Uncle Al, that was good info you provided, but the simple fact that a link was provided in Brad’s initial PSA comment declares that the info is not from the commenter but from the author of the link.”

    That’s better.

  18. Free men don’t ask permission to conduct their business as free men, and they answer nosy questions and orders by ignoring them. Persist & you may meet violence in return for your interference.
    Just because he has “Dr.” hung on the front of his name doesn’t mean he’s any less an MSLSD hack.
    I see other people doing that too.
    Just call me DOCTOR Iron Man – there, see, anyone can do it!

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