MTG Tells Fauci To His Face He Belongs in Prison For Crimes Against Humanity – IOTW Report

MTG Tells Fauci To His Face He Belongs in Prison For Crimes Against Humanity

18 Comments on MTG Tells Fauci To His Face He Belongs in Prison For Crimes Against Humanity

  1. That is what we should be seeing from the Republican leadership if the rotten sonsabitches are too busy giving a rim job and optional reach around to their dear, dear friends across the aisle.

  2. david7134
    MONDAY, 3 JUNE 2024, 17:52 AT 5:52 PM
    “Fauci needs jail time, like any serial killer.”

    …you spelled “Hung by the neck until dead” wrong…

  3. …and his tiny little whithered body thrown in a ditch to be torn by dogs, like the ones he tormented, so he can end his reign of terror as dog shit on the shoes of the people of the nation he poisoned, which is fitting as dog shit was all he ever was, ashes to ashes and all that…

  4. Biff Slappenhertz
    MONDAY, 3 JUNE 2024, 19:30 AT 7:30 PM
    “Do gibbets come in petite size?”

    …I will enjoy watching his tiny little feet kicking in a spasmodic airdance as he dangles by the throat, twiching in his agonized death throes a yard further off the ground than a full-sized man would…leave his hands untied though, I want to see his diminutive digits scrabble futilely at the noose as it draws inexorably tighter, gorging bloody furrows in his wattles as his richly fed flesh mottles with anoxia and his weasely face blackens as his foul blood backs up and his diseased brain scavenges the last of the oxygen from the bile that serves him as blood…

  5. The evil, sadistic deeds Fauci committed, to the point of mass murder, in the name of “science” proves he has NO remorse.

    In his wicked mind, he’s a misunderstood Savior of mankind. A God complex supported by a Satanic psyche.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene sees the reality of his maniacal spiritual condition and God bless her, she’s not going to pretend. Fauci is a total demoniac monster in the flesh.

    The devilish crap the Uniparty supports has to be called out, even if she’s the only one doing it.


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