Murderer Not Thrilled With Talk Of Death Penalty – IOTW Report

Murderer Not Thrilled With Talk Of Death Penalty

“I would like to have a different ending to this other than my death, because I don’t like this situation. I’m just going to say that,” Villarreal said.

26 Comments on Murderer Not Thrilled With Talk Of Death Penalty

  1. “I would like to have a different ending to this other than my death, because I don’t like this situation. I’m just going to say that.”

    Translation: “I, I, I, I, I, I,… Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me… and, I never thought I would get caught.”

    Actions/consequences. What a concept.

  2. “I would like to have a different ending to this other than my death, because I don’t like this situation.”
    Oh, well then…why didn’t you SAY so?

    How about we drop you off in Antarctica? You’ll be fine.

  3. What a perfect little psycho proglodyte. “I’m sorry this situation exists..and I hope that we can resolve this situation in court”. Is he going for the non-compis vote?

    Passive voice, the favorite of libs everywhere.

    It will be resolved, sonny. Count on it.

  4. give him the same as he gave his victims…shoot him at close range in the back of the head with a 44 magnum…….
    if he survives, he can spend the rest of his life in prison……I’m OK with that.

  5. If he wanted a different ending to this other than his death, maybe he shouldn’t have shot two people in South Carolina. There ARE some states out there without the Death Penalty. Ignorance of the potential penalty is no reason it should not be imposed.

  6. My great uncle was murdered by a female crackhead in Texas. It was an incredibly gruesome murder. She is on death row (has exhausted all her appeals) and we look forward to celebrating when the needle is injected and her soul is sent to Hell. Most “righteous” death penalty opponents have never had a loved one senselessly murdered.

    F.D.R. and Eleanor have your room ready you bastard…

  7. Jerry – I am a death penalty opponent has no qualms about the fact that people who act this way deserve to die; that they have forfeited their right to life. My opposition is to the fact that it is the govt that administers all aspects of it – the same govt that has shown itself inept and incompetent at virtually every task it assumes for itself. While not a common occurrence here in the States, plenty of govts world-wide have corrupted their judicial systems to abuse the death penalty. Honest people call this “murder.”

    I honestly don’t know what the answer is, but be assured my opposition is not in any way based on toleration, much less sympathy, for evil.

    For the record, the perfect death penalty is imposed by the intended victim at the time of the attempted crime. IOW, shoot the bad guy afore he gits ya.

  8. “I would like to have a different ending to this other than my death, because I don’t like this situation. I’m just going to say that,” Villarreal said.

    And I bet the victim didn’t like the situation they were in. Die now

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