Murkowski Picks Up First Primary Challenger – IOTW Report

Murkowski Picks Up First Primary Challenger

Daily Wire

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), one of the seven Republican senators who voted to convict former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial, has a GOP challenger for the 2022 Senate race. 

Kelly Tshibaka, the former Alaska Department of Administration commissioner, announced Monday that she will challenge Murkowski in a 2022 primary election, becoming the first Republican candidate to declare their intentions to become the next U.S. senator from Alaska. More

9 Comments on Murkowski Picks Up First Primary Challenger

  1. Will Trump have enough influence to get her kicked out? Will Dominion still exist? Will the DOJ, FBI and fake president still be in total control? Tune in in 2022 to find out. That is if your cell has tv.

  2. Letโ€™s not forget, in 2010 Murkowski lost the GOP primary to Joe Brown, she ran as an independent and beat both the Republican and Democrat. Murkowski is as slimy as they get. She needs to not just lose but get absolutely crushed.

  3. Is this going to be a real challenge, or one of those we-ran-a-sock-puppet-to-give-the-illusion-of-a-challenge-while-allowing-the-prick-we-were-pretending-to-oppose-win kind of things?

  4. Remember – she’s the one who “beat” Sarah Palin for that office.

    I see that as another GOPe crime against the U.S.. Her voting record does not disprove this claim.

    It irks me to see her still in office.


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