Muslim Contribution To Science – IOTW Report

Muslim Contribution To Science

This was 1933, not 1533.


ht/ magnum

24 Comments on Muslim Contribution To Science

  1. this just in……by Executive Order NASA scientists are at this moment feverishly working on ‘computer models’ to show the mooselimb contribution to the ‘science’ of global warming Klimate change through yo-yo’s….
    next month NASA will work on divining the weather climate with the remains of burnt goat entrails

  2. Wowsa, and did they need a new “human” every day because, that ain’t gay at all, no reason to stone anyone or anything, sheesh, if I have nightmares tonight or at any point when I’m hunting, I’m holding you personally responsible.

    Looks around for vodka and eye bleach.

  3. I know, it’s like Jews for Jesus, but when you get to the heart of it, you realize they have seen the truth, and the truth has set them free.

    It’s funny, my soon to be former boss often called me a redneck and I’d wonder why this was a bad thing.

    Counting the days to my new job.

  4. Well, there you have it – yo yos cause Globaloney Warming!

    The incredible jeenyuses of izlam has figgered it out!

    Don’t have to give Al Gore and the African Dictators all that money, just have to ban yo yos!

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