Muslim fakes being attacked by Trump supporter – IOTW Report

Muslim fakes being attacked by Trump supporter


There was a Muslim student at the University of Louisiana today who reported that she was assaulted by two white men, one of whom was wearing a white “Trump” hat.

This is how an initial report described what she said happened:

Around 11 a.m., a female UL-Lafayette student was walking down a residential street near campus when two white males jumped out of a gray four-door sedan and hit her with a metal object, knocking her to the ground, university police told the Advertiser. The men tore off the woman’s head wrap, took her wallet and hit her while she was down, police said. The woman reported one of the suspects was wearing a white hat that had “Trump” on it.

However, the AP reports tonight that the Lafayette Police Department has determined her account was fabricated. They released this statement:

During the course of the investigation, the female complainant admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males.

The ACLU of Louisiana released this statement earlier today on the assault:

The ACLU of Louisiana is outraged at the news of a young Muslim woman being assaulted and robbed of her hijab in Lafayette yesterday morning. The report that her attackers also shouted slurs and wore Donald Trump clothing is especially troubling in light of Mr. Trump’s frequent use of anti-Muslim rhetoric on the campaign trail.

We condemn this rhetoric and this behavior. We call on all Louisianians to reject anti-Muslim bigotry. Muslim Americans and residents have the same rights that we all do: to practice our religion freely and openly, to live and work without fear, and to participate equally in public life. To act otherwise is in direct contradiction of the values enshrined in our founding documents and our laws.

After the new reports came out they followed up with this:

The Lafayette Police Department has announced that it has dismissed its investigation of an anti-Muslim attack after the victim recanted her story. We don’t know the full story of what happened yesterday, and we don’t know what caused her to recant.

12 Comments on Muslim fakes being attacked by Trump supporter

  1. I knew this was coming when a progressive co-worker told me the only people in this country that need guns are Muslims and blacks. Because they’ve already set the stage to do this for the rotted minds watching only MSM. This is just the bringing folks – they are not going to let DJT do anything without a step every step of the way.

  2. Here’s what we will NOT hear from the ACLU:

    The ACLU of Louisiana is outraged at the news of a young Muslim woman lying about being assaulted and robbed of her hijab in Lafayette yesterday morning. Her false statement to police that her attackers shouted slurs and wore Donald Trump clothing is especially troubling in light of the Muslim practice of taqqiya, sanctioned and approved deceit of non-Muslims for cultural and ideological advantage. Her attribution of this imaginary attack to Mr. Trump was deliberate, malicious, damaging, and unacceptable behavior in a free society.

    We condemn this deliberately dishonest, deceitful, and harmful behavior. We call on all Muslims to reject taqqiya and anti-non-Muslim bigotry. All Americans and residents have the same rights: to go about our daily lives and practice our religion freely and openly, to live and work without fear, and to participate equally in public life. To act otherwise is in direct contradiction of the values enshrined in our founding documents and our laws.</blockquote

  3. I imagine trump supporters have better things to do then waste time beating up muslims.

    why hurt our hands hitting them when we can just as easily throw them out of the country that they don’t belong in in the first place.

    I don’t need street violence, I just need the rule of law enforced again.

    if the laws were being followed, the muslims wouldn’t be here in the first place to be beaten up.

  4. She’s being charged yet her name is not being released? How nice to protect the criminal. The school will also give her special treatment rather than booting her sorry ass out.

  5. what can I say? Our Governor looks like Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars. Everything he does is a trap, including letting lying Filthy Mohammedan Savages into our public schools.

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