Muslim Men Molest German Boy at Swimming Pool – IOTW Report

Muslim Men Molest German Boy at Swimming Pool


Two Afghan asylum seekers have been arrested for allegedly sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy at a public swimming pool in Germany.

The incident reportedly took place at an indoor pool in Delbrück, North Rhine-Westphalia, on Friday afternoon.

The Afghan men, aged 20 and 25, are said to have cornered the 14-year-old in the showers, where they forced him to perform sexual acts on both of them.

The alleged victim had been swimming in the public pool with an 11-year-old friend when they were approached by the two Afghan migrants.

At around 4.45pm, the two boys left the pool area and were followed by the men to the showers, Westfalen-Blatt reports.

According to a police report, the 11-year-old was able to hide, but the 14-year-old was grabbed by the two men in the changing room.

After this, the 20-year-old and the 25-year-old ‘forced him against his will to perform sexual acts on both men’.


I have one word for the Germans. And it’s a familiar one…

Well, you guys fill in the blank.

22 Comments on Muslim Men Molest German Boy at Swimming Pool

  1. Ahab, according to the Koran, sex with unbearded boys is not homosexuality. Mohammad even spoke about the availability of perfect young boys in heaven for the faithful.
    Pedophilia is a core concept of Islam.

  2. Unfortunately if the young Germans protect themselves and beat the snot out of these scumbags, they’ll be branded as right wing racists, nazis by the media here and abroad. The government will crack down on them as they did Tommy Robinson in England.

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