Muslim Surgeon’s Hijab was ‘Spotted with Blood’ Before an Operation, Refused to change – IOTW Report

Muslim Surgeon’s Hijab was ‘Spotted with Blood’ Before an Operation, Refused to change

oh that's nasty cleveland Brown

PamelaGeller: Top doc axed in bust-up after reporting Muslim surgeon’s hijab was “spotted with blood” before an NHS operation.

Islamic supremacism before health, welfare or hygiene. That is the message the Royal Hallamshire is sending with this suspension. A prominent surgeon was suspended by the hospital after confronting a fellow surgeon who planned to operate in her hijab, despite it being against safety regulations. She was planning on wearing it during an operation — breaching strict rules. So of course, a Muslim complaint was then raised against Dr Rogozov, and he was suspended.

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18 Comments on Muslim Surgeon’s Hijab was ‘Spotted with Blood’ Before an Operation, Refused to change

  1. How shall I fisk this article, let me count the ways:
    -So, the hospital concluded that Dr Rogozov was correct, but he was still suspended / not reinstated. ‘Bout it?
    -Nothing was said/done until AFTER Dr R spoke to the media. Hmmm. . .
    -The female Quoranimal was intelligent enough to learn to be a surgeon, supposedly knew the rules of the hospital, but ignored them.
    -More concern for her own religious “feewings” than concern for the patient’s safety and health.
    -The UNNAMED surgeon accused Dr R of racism. Since when did Islam become a “race”?
    -Sheffield Teaching Hospitals’ spokesman Dr David Throssell said: “Patient safety is our top priority. As soon as we were made aware of the publication of allegations we began an investigation.”
    Dear STH – since WHEN were you SO concerned for the patient’s safety? Since this dustup was made public and blew up in your face?
    -And last, but definitely not least== NOTE: The muzzie female surgeon’s name and face are NOT made public, but Dr Rogozov’s name and mug are plastered all over the article. PC hypocrisy much?

    All I can say is that I’m glad I’m not a surgical patient in the-former-Great-Britain. Especially one where you may need the surgery NOW, and unfortunately not be able to choose your own Dr or surgeon, or at least able to say “NO” to the one being offered to you.

    Good luck, Dr R. And to the unnamed female quoranimal surgeon, FA’QUEEM!

  2. So, a few more Limeys die from totally preventable infections because they embraced socialized medicine and savage izlamic rat-people?

    Sorta like buying oats and getting oats, ain’t it?

  3. Sit down before you read this.

    NHS allows muzz nurses and other health care providers wash their hands only up to the wrist so to avoid exposure of the arms, which is against their religion.

  4. IMHO, the quoranimal surgeon was looking for a way to spread all kinds of disease via the dirty hijab. Had I seen her coming my way, I would have risen from the bed and taken that jackass to the janitor closet where the clorox is kept and given her a scrubdown.

  5. “-The female Quoranimal was intelligent enough to learn to be a surgeon, supposedly knew the rules of the hospital, but ignored them.”

    I might not make that assumption if I were you-I’m sure there’s quite a bit of affirmative action happening. Seriously, how many standard deviations on IQ scores need to drop before your surgeon(?) throws a couple hundred years of germ and bacteria research into the toilet? Apparently 1-2 will do the trick.

  6. Instead of rationing, NHS uses foreign doctors to limit appointments. What woman wants to be examined by a doctor and male nurse jabbering away in pashtun about what a slut she is?

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