Must… Comply… – IOTW Report

Must… Comply…

ht/ nm

21 Comments on Must… Comply…

  1. Never happen!

    90% of people in this country already have their heads up their rectum, no room left for another appendage.

    Burn it all down and start from the beginning. 1787.

  2. I wonder if the guy that I saw eating a piece of chicken out of a container in the deli section, who didn’t like the taste of it and who put it back into the deli case, used the method in the cartoon? Sorry, but that was my first though, no telling where those fingers have been!

  3. If Lord Fauci suggested it the type of people I saw today outside, yards away from other people, at the ocean wearing masks and shaking their heads at fo not being part of the mask cult would do it.


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