My Drummer Said That RINGO Sucks, So I Dared Him To Play THIS Beatles Beat! – IOTW Report

My Drummer Said That RINGO Sucks, So I Dared Him To Play THIS Beatles Beat!

I saw this video after Fur posted that meme about the mashup of the surviving members of the Rolling Stones and the Beatles.

Thought you might be interested in this. Ringo was always my favorite Beatle.

Watch the video HERE.

21 Comments on My Drummer Said That RINGO Sucks, So I Dared Him To Play THIS Beatles Beat!

  1. Not about Ringo, but…

    I’ll admit limited musical background / knowledge. That said…

    Ginger Baker

    Yeah, insane, but for what he did and what he was behind a kit, composing, etc. hard to top him.

    Change my mind.

  2. Mr. Beachmom is a drummer. A good drummer.
    His favorite Beatle was always Ringo.
    Ringo wasn’t a complicated drummer but he did his job and was consistent.

    I’m still not a Beatles fan.

  3. The Pink Floyd drum setups on the Delicate Sound of Thunder tour was the most impressive and ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t think there are many drummers who could sit and even consider what to do with all that stuff. I was mesmerized by the drummers the whole show.

  4. As a drummer of 62 years I can state without fear of reprisal that NOTHING Ringo did was complicated at all. Hell, the ‘shuffle’ beat the guy raves about here was played by Ringo on countless other Beatles records. It ‘s called ‘The Motown’. That’s where that bass drum pattern came from, quite a while before Ringo ‘discovered’ it.

    Don’t me wrong, Ringo is one of the most important and influential Rock drummers of all time. But NOT for his playing abilities, but for appearances… I give you the ‘Matched Grip’ that he employed in’63/’64. Every Rock drummer to date still uses that grip. Thanks Ringo…

  5. I saw this video a few months ago. I enjoyed it. Maybe what Ringo did was not complicated, but why does “good” have to be complicated? I

    I saw a video recently where somebody said Paul’s early bass work was boring and his later stuff was good. I think his later stuff was complicated just for the sake of being complicated. Maybe it fir what the Beatles were doing at the time, but I think the Beatles later stuff was overblown. His early stuff was melodic but with subtle touches that are fascinating if you follow it.

    I saw another video a year or two ago that demonstrated that in many cases you could tell what the song was just but listening to Ringo’s drum work. You can’t do that still say he just did the same old same old every time.

  6. “Ringo doesnt suck, it’s the Beatles as a whole that suck.” I thought I was the only person of earth that disliked the Beatles. I’ve had people get really angry at me for saying I didn’t like them.


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