Mystal No-Show – IOTW Report

Mystal No-Show


Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker extended an invitation to progressive journalist Elie Mystal to “break bread” after the leftist tore into the Republican’s candidacy, calling it “an insult to black people.”

But he received nothing but contempt in return for the offer. More

8 Comments on Mystal No-Show

  1. Q tip coward. Why these babbling mediocraties get any airtime is beyond me.

    This cotton candy headed fool is an obvious black supremist bigot.

    If a white guy bashed blacks even 1/100th as much as this pumkinfaced brillo pad there would be hell to pay.

    Anything thus racist imbecile has to say is completely irrelevant.

  2. “Some state Republicans have also gone after the former NFL star, referring to him as a political novice.”

    Sounds like a pretty good recommendation to me. Most of the “professional” politicians aren’t worth a damn.


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