#MyUnintendedJoy: Americans Show Why They Choose Life Over Abortion – IOTW Report

#MyUnintendedJoy: Americans Show Why They Choose Life Over Abortion

Breitbart: The hashtag#MyUnintendedJoy is trending on Twitter prior to Friday’s March for Life, as women faced with unplanned or complicated pregnancies are Tweeting their stories showing why they chose life over abortion.

The Federalist’s Bre Payton highlights the hashtag and draws attention to “the women and children the abortion industry doesn’t want you to know about.”

The March for Life is the world’s largest pro-life demonstration and will be held Friday, January 27, on the national mall in Washington, D.C.

Here are some of the stories about the babies who were born because their mothers and fathers chose life, despite the recommendations of doctors and other family members and friends to abort:   MORE   Snip: Bring Kleenex. 🙂

8 Comments on #MyUnintendedJoy: Americans Show Why They Choose Life Over Abortion

  1. “despite the recommendations of doctors and other family members and friends to abort”
    Even if I were not opposed to abortion, I don’t think I would have the gall to recommend it.

  2. I thank God for the kindness and strength he gave my niece when she got pregnant. My wife and I couldn’t conceive, but we were both there when our wonderful son, now 16, was born!🙂

  3. My niece was told by doctors that she HAD to abort her spina bifida baby (this was 12 years ago). She and her husband said, “NO. She was given to us by God.”

    Joy has been the sweetest baby from the start. She is now almost a teenager and is always helping her siblings and friends at school. People smile when she wheels into a room. Teachers love her.

    How could that life have ever been a mistake?

  4. Ecumenical group of Portlanders prays the Rosary outside a Planned Parenthood execution chamber every Wednesday. 2-3 babies are saved every month. Sometimes girls drive up, see the Rosary group, and drive off. No way of knowing how many of them chose life.

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