Naive Progressive Lamb to Slaughter – IOTW Report

Naive Progressive Lamb to Slaughter

Corrina Meheil, uber-progressive, was in D.C. this last month to help set up an art exhibit.  An art instructor and active Social Justice Warrior, Meheil even met Nancy Pelosi while visiting the capital.  She had a cause (white privilege) she could build an art career around, that is, until she crossed a dangerous path with El Hadji Alpha Madiou Toure. Friends found her dead, tied up with evidence of torture.

Toure says he dindu nuffin’, even though he was driving her car and using her debit card.


Meheil, talking about her thesis for her Masters of Fine Arts from the University of Cincinnati four years ago Here

Who’s responsible for her murder? Take your pick.



30 Comments on Naive Progressive Lamb to Slaughter

  1. This story is mind-blowingly predictable.

    The Left lives in a fantasyland. What they fail to realize is that fantasyland isn’t real. And in a battle between fantasyland and reality, reality will win every time.

  2. She joins a growing rank of dead lefties. Remember the Italian artist who was hitchhiking around Italy in a wedding dress? Raped, murdered, dead in a ditch. The numerous dead girls in Sweden?
    They will never learn.

  3. Leftists are like Grizzly Man, the kook from California who tried to live among Alaskan brown bears. He and his girlfriend were devoured. Leftists think they are sonehow above it all, like dangerous people or even wild animals will give them a pass because the leftists are so attuned and enlightened. Their pompous delusions frequently get them killed. It’s tragically comical.

  4. After watching the film I was wondering what was affecting her speech or if she was medicated in some way. Her speech was reminiscent of the setting on a television which allows you to read what people are saying …. the way it comes out kind of staggered.

  5. Unfortunately for her, her liberal wish was that savages could roam free to prey on innocent victims. She got her wish.
    In a just world, savages would ONLY prey on the imbeciles who enable them. Unfortunately for us, that’s not the case.

  6. The left are the ‘political children’ the people on the right are the adults in the room.
    They refuse to grow up and have adult thoughts.
    Naive Progressive?
    They all are.

  7. Well first and foremost the animal that killed her was primarily responsible. She bears responsibility as well for no doubt thinking that good intentions will protect you from murderous criminals. The Police Chief and Mayor also bear responsibility for making DC more or less a sanctuary city. You can tell this by their refusing to state the criminal Toure’s immigration status. The corrections department played a part when they released him after serving one year of an eight year sentence for similar crimes. They all played a part in this young woman’s horrific death at the hands of a true savage.

  8. I call it the “Eat Pray Love” syndrome.
    White, first world women think they can go anywhere, meet anybody and embark on any adventure without thought to the reality of the danger inherent in the situation.

  9. The most important lesson I learned traveling around the world as Marine and for business – Earth is basically a hostile and dangerous planet to human life no matter where you live. Ironically, humans make it so.

  10. “Who’s responsible for her murder?”

    I don’t care.

    How much longer will she be voting Democratic? I only care if it’s outrageously out of the norm for dead Democratic voters.

    How many more Democratic supporters will she be (cue music)puttin’ on the dole! ? None? I’m moderately interested.

    How will her “loved ones” (other than herself, so it’s iffy) handle this tragedy? A good suicide cures a multitude of ills. And then… How will I feel about the suicides? Ooh, look! An infinite loop. (Sorry Apple, no trademark allowed.)

  11. Reminds me of poor, stupid Kayla Mueller, who went to the Middle East to join “Palestinians” in throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers. What a fabulous social justice warrior! She ended up kidnapped and tortured by isis. When an escaped sex slavegirl reported that Kayla had been force to “marry” an isis leader, Kalya’s own mother scoffed. Kayla was NOT married, her mother insisted. Poor, stupid woman did not understand that the sex slave meant Kayla also was a sex slave as well; that she was raped repeatedly. And of course Obama did nothing to help this useful idiot, even when he had a clear chance to rescue her. Useful idiots are not only stupid, they are expendable

  12. @MAJack March 30, 2017 at 3:05 pm

    > Horrible story

    You know, I am not trying to sound, even trollishy, gleeful. But honestly, why?

    This wasn’t some farm girl, fine tuning her home brew explosives, out behind the barn. This wasn’t even some young MacGyver, fine tuning her home brew explosives, in the backyard of her densely surrounded flat. This was an experienced attacker, who built another bomb, placed it in her car, put MY address in her GPS, and while (seemingly) following that route, hit a pothole and met a messy end. If she were the first of her religion to lob a bomb over my fence, perhaps I’d be intrigued. But her fellow zealots have been trying to exterminate heretics for over a hundred years.

    So, I’ll ask you, directly, again, why is this story horrible?

  13. It’s horrible because this young women marinated in liberal ideology so long she couldn’t form a coherent thought if her master’s degree depended upon it, which apparently it did.

    She didn’t have the opportunity at a less lethal lesson of how her life experiences and liberal ideology had armed her with a spork and wishful thinking when what she really needed common sense and a gun.

    Say that she was unreachable, that she was so far gone on the left that she never had a chance, that her choices that led her to cross paths with a killer was unavoidable. That she was a lost cause before she ever set foot in D.C. to met her fate and I’ll say how do you know?

    How do you know that none on the left will eventually be jarred into reality? They are, sometimes and they are often the best and most dedicated to the counter narrative of the morbid leftist child think.

  14. Who is responsible.
    That pedophile Mohammed, for starters.
    Then his Imams who taught him this is OK
    Then whoever shortened his sentence
    Then her parents for not teaching about the truth about Islam
    Then Her for not being prepared

  15. @Dr. Tar March 30, 2017 at 4:39 pm

    If they’ll pray to their God/ess/e/s for my “enlightenment,” I’ll wish them the same. But when their “struggle” (maybe there’s a better word in some language other than English) is to raise the retainer fees, to hire mercenaries, to literally (not “literally”) kill me for heresy, apostasy, or insufficient obsequiousness, and loot my corpse and home, to fund the mercenaries and split with their employers, so the process can be repeated… how much time, as an ethical human being, should they be granted for their epiphany?

    The difference between Kent State and William Frantz Elementary, are two spins of the same wheel. When you bring the game to me, why should I concern myself with your loss?

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