Naked Guy Assaults Cop Wielding a Professional Bug Sprayer – IOTW Report

Naked Guy Assaults Cop Wielding a Professional Bug Sprayer

This is the crap cops have to deal with. I’m sure there is someone out there complaining about excessive force, or whatever.

Video here. Watch out- he’s definitely naked.


12 Comments on Naked Guy Assaults Cop Wielding a Professional Bug Sprayer

  1. Some brain damaged idiot probably screwed up on some synthetic drug concoction. That’s why I knew I would never fit as a cop. I’d loose it if I was spat upon or this example. I just don’t possess that level of self control.

  2. We have some of the poorest trained police in the world. We “invest” a whopping 6 weeks of police academy training after 2 whole years of community college studying math, English, History.

    I’d prefer a 4 year degree, FBI-style training, legal and constitutional training before I issued a gun and release them out on the streets.

  3. The cops would have been justified shooting him (and not with something kind like a taser) when he first sprayed them. That could have been bleach or poison. The guys is lucky to be alive. I think if I had been the cop’s partner, I would have dropped the dude.

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