Nancy Pelosi in 2011: Barack Obama ‘Did Not Need Authorization’ to Use Force in Libya – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi in 2011: Barack Obama ‘Did Not Need Authorization’ to Use Force in Libya


A resurfaced clip that features Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shows that the California representative once believed a president did not need congressional approval to use military force.

Pelosi’s remarks came in 2011 after she was questioned on former President Barack Obama and his lack of congressional approval before he used force in Libya.

“Madame leader, you’re saying that the president did not need authorization, initially, and still does not need any authorization from Congress to go in Libya,” a reporter asked Pelosi.

“Yes,” Pelosi responded before walking away. read more

12 Comments on Nancy Pelosi in 2011: Barack Obama ‘Did Not Need Authorization’ to Use Force in Libya

  1. “Is there any more obvious cowardice than to deny what we have said?”
    “Since mutual understanding is brought about solely by way of words, he who breaks his word betrays human society.”

    (“Of Giving the Lie” : Montaigne, Dead White Dude)

    Assuming Monsieur Montaigne is correct, then a Republic cannot function on the basis of falsity – thus – dissimulation by elected agents and representatives of the sovereign (We, the People) is TREASON because of the simple fact that it destroys the public’s ability to make rational decisions, sows suspicion and mistrust, and undermines the Republic.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. …Carter would have been just as bad and DID try, but he lacked the protective coloration, that’s one reason he’s such a bitter, angry old man NOW…


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