California To Allow Illegal Immigrants To Vote For The Next President [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

California To Allow Illegal Immigrants To Vote For The Next President [VIDEO]

On “Fox & Friends” Tuesday, host Steve Doocy explained, “The state of California has passed legislation that will automatically register eligible voters when they obtain or renew a driver’s license. Governor Jerry Brown says it’s a way to increase voter turnout, but critics warn the measure could add millions of illegal people to the rolls because the state allows undocumented aliens to get driver’s licenses.”

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11 Comments on California To Allow Illegal Immigrants To Vote For The Next President [VIDEO]

  1. Doesn’t matter. All white noise. California took a census recently where these invaders moved to. Net result, 4 electoral college votes. Check out the states 4 electoral votes cancel out. These people don’t need to vote. I can’t believe conservatives are still getting caught up in this. Democrats are way ahead of us.

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