Nappy’s Aim is to not make anyone feel uncomfortable at UC – except the sane people – IOTW Report

Nappy’s Aim is to not make anyone feel uncomfortable at UC – except the sane people


The University of California admissions department believes students can be whatever they want to be.

At least when it comes to their gender.janet napolitano resigns

Admission applications used by the UC system are giving potential students a host of choices for gender-related questions – including six varieties to describe “gender identity.” The questions, which will go into circulation this fall, are voluntarily answered and responses don’t impact the admissions process, a UC spokesperson told The College Fix.

Applicants can choose male, female, trans male/trans man, trans female/trans woman, gender queer/gender non-conforming and “different identity” to describe their “gender identity.”

By contrast, some of the other questions seem downright limiting in potential answers. For instance, “what sex were you assigned at birth” has only two choices: male or female. A question about sexual orientation features three possible responses: “heterosexual or straight,” “gay or lesbian” or fill-in-the-blank.

The gender and sex questions are just one change slated for the UC system. Gender-neutral restrooms and changing rooms are being installed and “the university is initiating a two-year project designed to coordinate and promote interdisciplinary study of genders and sexualities,” according to a UC press release.


ht/ jc gender queer lady

20 Comments on Nappy’s Aim is to not make anyone feel uncomfortable at UC – except the sane people

  1. The problem is all inside your head
    They said to me
    You need to be labelled with more creativity
    it’s hard to be normal nowadays
    Don’t you agree?
    There must be fifty ways to name your gender
    Call yourself cis, Chris
    Just be a girl, Pearl
    Say you’ve gone trans, Franz
    It’s such a cool scene
    Tell me you’re straight, Kate
    No need to be gay, Ray
    Maybe you’re queer, dear
    It’s twenty-fifteen.

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