NARAL Cries Foul for Ad “Humanizing Fetuses” – IOTW Report

NARAL Cries Foul for Ad “Humanizing Fetuses”

Pro-Choicers’ Reaction to Doritos Super Bowl Ad Exposes the Weakness in Their Worldview

National Review, A significant number of Americans profess to watch the Super Bowl “just for the commercials,” and the best and the worst ads make headlines for days afterward. This year, an ad for Doritos chips is causing controversy, for an implied pro-life message.

What’s causing controversy is the portrayal of that unborn baby as one with an actual human personality. As NRO’s Jay Nordlinger noted earlier, the ad dares to portray the unborn child as human, and “not a meaningless blob of protoplasm.” The pro-abortion activist group NARAL tweeted its disapproval, criticizing Doritos for “using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses.”

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18 Comments on NARAL Cries Foul for Ad “Humanizing Fetuses”

  1. Smitty of The Other McCain wins the internet for the day for his comment:

    “I realize we’re not supposed to ask “hahrd” questions, but it would be helpful if the Servants of Moloch could explain something. Accepting for the sake of argument that humans are not continuously human from conception on through death, how DOES the fetus transition from non-human to human state? What magical chrysalis occurs, when the embryo goes from non-human to human status? I realize that this is a key component of abortion mythology, but I’ve never heard any proponent of the fiction explain it.”


  2. “humanizing fetuses”?!!?

    I’m sorry, but “fetus” is not an organism. It’s not a genus or species. It’s a term used to describe a stage of development, in many species.

    So, in this commercial (which I did not see) what kind of fetus was depicted?

    Was it a fetal pig?

    Was it a fetal giraffe?

    Was it a fetal dolphin?

    Or was it a fetal human? Again, I didn’t see the commercial, so I’m asking.

    If a fetal human was portrayed in this commercial, then someone please explain to me in what way it was “humanized”?

    It seems to me that this is like complaining that someone is trying to depict water as being somehow “wet”.

  3. I fully expect Frito Lay/PepsiCo to issue a heart felt apology within the next 24-48 hours. They will bow to political correctness and say they never meant to offend any of the baby murderers out there.

  4. Grab the video from YT while you can, I expect it to be yanked shortly.

    It’s very hard to make someone believe something or stop believing something once they have made up their minds.

    The flawed logic of these people who refuse to admit a “fetus” is a person is just astounding, they torture themselves and the logic to deny this simple fact that an unborn human is still a human.

    All in order to play along with their legal precedent that allows them to perform infanticide with impunity.

  5. Member of NARA? With that on your resume you have enough juice with the lords of hell to to lead a coup d’etat against Satan with in 5 days of your arrival. Too bad for them that Satan has had plenty of experience in dealing with priests of Moloch, Ba’al and “Doctor” George Tiller.

  6. Hollywood’s so repulsive that our TV time is down to 9 hours or less per month now. Missed controversial ad. One thing for sure though, we’re going to load up our shopping cart with Doritos just so we can throw a few extra bags of Doritos into carts of fellow shoppers who are going to pay for their groceries with EBT cards.

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