NASA extracts breathable oxygen from thin Martian air – IOTW Report

NASA extracts breathable oxygen from thin Martian air

NY Post – NASA has logged another extraterrestrial first on its latest mission to Mars: converting carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere into pure, breathable oxygen, the US space agency said on Wednesday.

The unprecedented extraction of oxygen, literally out of thin air on Mars, was achieved Tuesday by an experimental device aboard Perseverance, a six-wheeled science rover that landed on the Red Planet Feb. 18 after a seven-month journey from Earth.

In its first activation, the toaster-sized instrument dubbed MOXIE, short for Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment, produced about 5 grams of oxygen, equivalent to roughly 10 minutes’ worth of breathing for an astronaut, NASA said.

Although the initial output was modest, the feat marked the first experimental extraction of a natural resources from the environment of another planet for direct use by humans.

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h/t Dadof4

16 Comments on NASA extracts breathable oxygen from thin Martian air

  1. @ MJA


    What if we send the Dems and globalists ahead on a scout mission?

    They can have the whole damn planet to themselves. No guns, no pollution – nothin’

  2. Excellent! EXCELLENT!! Maybe this’ll make Mars inhabitable by liberals since they have demonstrated repeatedly that their brains, such as they are, require far less oxygen than ours to survive.

  3. NASA has accomplished its mission of increasing muslim self esteem and moved on to producing oxygen on Mars. And not just oxygen but breathable oxygen!!!

    Unprecedented! Breathable oxygen!! These guys may break an arm patting themselves on the back for accomplishing something a dandelion has been doing for thousands of years.

  4. “These guys may break an arm patting themselves on the back for accomplishing something a dandelion has been doing for thousands of years”

    Wait… what? Watchu talkin’ ’bout? No dandelion has done it on Mars yet! It’s a feat that matters.

    Dandelion trivia tip: You can make a salad out of their leaves, but it’ll be bitter after it blooms.

  5. Mars is likely a dead planet because there are no active volcanoes, no oceans or large lakes and no appreciable magnetosphere bow shock to the sun’s radiation. Although, it’s possible growing plants. However the radiation may just kill them.

    Best to move on to Venus and create manned floating laboratories, atmospheric docking stations. etc. in the upper atmosphere for any further exploration of our planetary neighbors. IMHO, it’s the better move.

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