Nasty Message on Receipt Sounds Improbable – IOTW Report

Nasty Message on Receipt Sounds Improbable

I have seen this story before. Not this exact story, but one like it. A customer doesn’t tip and leaves a message as to why. And all too often it turns out to be a self-inflicted wound that someone, with an agenda, tries to blow up into a national “teachable moment.”

But I’ve already been taught. I’ve learned that these stories are usually horseshit.

But even if it is true, why is it on the news? This represents just one of thousands of receipts this women has handled in her waitressing career. But, somehow, I get the feeling that the media is trying to take a rare receipt, real or fake, and leverage it as a “crisis” to further their political agenda.

This is supposed to make people feel bad about wanting national security and thinking a border wall is a good thing for a country which is also a rampant welfare state.

One of the problems with this story, in my opinion, is that the woman who received the hateful message seems like any ordinary American woman that happens to speak Spanish.

Take a look

ht/ cynic


33 Comments on Nasty Message on Receipt Sounds Improbable

  1. When this sort of thing becomes debunked, exposed as a fraud, it seems like it never gets enough publicity in the MSM for anyone to be aware if it. Mention only seems to be significant in the alternative news sources.

    I’m sure there are probably examples of some of this type of claim turning out true, but I’m unaware of them and don’t know where to look to find them.

  2. Fishy! If you hate Spanish-speaking folk, you might just walk out….. ….or *not* leave a tip, but…. …..the note…?

    If there was any reality to the note at all, I’m betting it would have said, “Don’t tip illegals” ….not immigrants

    Progs sure are evil. ….Lady in Red

  3. That doesn’t even make sense since we are all IMMIGRANTS, just depends when we arrived. I’d check her social media history – she probably has another receipt that says ‘I DON’T TIP FAT PEOPLE’. Attention whore.

  4. Oh, shoot!

    I was gonna give a shit, but I can’t find one …

    Phony. If it were true, would you put it in writing?

    And why “Immigrants” instead of “Illegal Alien Invading Rat-People” or something similarly expressive?

    I smell bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Bossi said it was the couple’s first time in the restaurant. She knows this for certain, how?
    And just conveniently they paid in cash, no cc info to trace.

  6. Anonymous/Left Coast Dan–
    Without seeing the “waitress” I would guess from the handwriting that the penmanship is that of a twenty-something chick with big hair and too much make-up. Lot’s of “drama” and a “gimmee” attitude. Looking for a payout.

    When does the “GoFundMe” account get started? Poor little thing.

  7. Receipt Hoax!
    It’s like the Islamic hate hoaxes where they spray paint F___ Arabs or draw swastikas and then get a whine fest with the SJWs. If done by an actual non-muslim they would paint something about Mo being a murderous pedophile

  8. Funny how people who make this stuff up are always excused because these things that they make up are such a problem they have to bring attention to the problem. If they are such a problem that we have to bring attention to them then why do people have to make this stuff up? Wouldn’t there be enough examples of real occurrences that they shouldn’t have to make them up? Or do they mean that people making this stuff up is the problem to which we have to bring attention to?

  9. The big fat pig is lying and prolly got stiffed because she is a lousy waitress. What a disaster she is. So unhygienic with her nasty ghetto talons and unkempt hair getting in all of the food. Don’t even get me started on the necklace buried in the fat folds of her neck. I wouldn’t eat anything some creature that looks like that served me. She looks dirty.

  10. We ate at a Hungarian restaurant the other night . . . and the waitress was from . . . wait for it… HUNGARY!
    And she got a little extra tip because she taught me how to say the name of the beer I ordered: Weihenstephan
    Oh, yeah, she was cute, too.

  11. And just like that the Under The Moon got more free advertising then if they had taken a full page ad in the local rag.

    Guess she didn’t have the nerve to say they were wearing a MAGA hat to boot.

  12. It’s so rare (if it really did happen) but let’s not pass up an opportunity to paint all Americans, especially white people, as racist scumbags while any immigrant is portrayed as pure as the driven snow. Libtards need to get their own country and leave ours be.


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