Nation Tiring of Mueller And His Endless Investigation – IOTW Report

Nation Tiring of Mueller And His Endless Investigation

Recent polling indicates that the American people have grown weary of the Mueller investigation and are increasingly siding with the president in viewing the independent council as being unfair.

You can expect more democrats to join the call to end the fishing expedition if the polls continue to go against them as the mid-terms rapidly approach. More

5 Comments on Nation Tiring of Mueller And His Endless Investigation

  1. Don’t fall into that trap, this is not an investigation, it is a witch hunt. The Utopian statists use words as weapons. They use words to shape public opinion, to accept that this is an investigation lends an air of legitimacy to what is going on.

  2. Probably why Trump won’t fire Mueller and why Mueller keeps on trying to get fired. Trump goes a couple of weeks, fires off a tweet about how disgusting this whole affair is. CNN and MSNBC go back to talking about the investigation, goes nowhere, people getting sick of it. Rinse and repeat.

    I also have a feeling Trump is telling everybody no indictments on the swamp rats until Mueller yells its over. Then CNN can’t say its about obstruction of justice. Sure they’ll cry its politically motivated revenge, but it will sure fire up the base!


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