National Anthem Singer Gets Steamrolled by Basketball Player – IOTW Report

National Anthem Singer Gets Steamrolled by Basketball Player

If we were unhinged lefty idiots we would be saying that the basketball player targeted the young girl because he has it in for the national anthem.

I’m serious. The left WOULD BE SAYING THIS if the rolls were exchanged.

13 Comments on National Anthem Singer Gets Steamrolled by Basketball Player

  1. Another good reason to boycott the NTBA, the national thug basketball association just like the NFL. I will not watch the NBA, far too many thugs and hotdogs who are only it to enrich themselves. And I don’t give a damn even if Seattle gets the Supersonics back now that they will have an NHL team. I like college basketball (I’m a big GU fan mostly because of my Catholic in laws) even though even it is corrupt because of all the betting money especially towards teams like N. Carolina and Duke etc. And their worship of all the hip hop/crap music culture stinks as well.

  2. NFL slavemasters sound surprisingly like every employer for everyone in the country.

    We just don’t get paid $150,000,000 per year plus endorsements to do the 6′ 7″ equivalent of putting a round ball in a round hole. A skill that most kindergarteners, barring cognitive impairments, can figure out.

    In fairness to LeBron, he can speak at a 6th grade level and write at a 3rd grade one.


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