National Border Council President: “absolutely legal” for the federal government to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities – IOTW Report

National Border Council President: “absolutely legal” for the federal government to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities

DC: National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd claimed Sunday that it is “absolutely legal” for the federal government to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities.

Judd argued during a “Fox & Friends” segment that President Donald Trump’s proposed planto do just that was “brilliant” and should have been cheered by people on both sides.

“It’s absolutely legal,” Judd explained. “But I’m going to get beaten up by the hard left for this comment. But this is actually a brilliant move on the president’s part.”

Judd went on to detail the “two layers” he saw at work in the proposed plan.

“If he’s doing it for humanitarian purposes, he should be praised,” Judd began. “These are cities that the city councils have consciously made a decision they’re going to accept the illegal aliens into their cities to protect them.”

But then Judd addressed the flip side, saying, “If he’s doing it for political reasons, this is brilliant. These people have to be released for one reason or another. And if we’re going to have to release them, why not show the sanctuary cities the same pressure that other cities are feeling.”

“From those two layers, this is a brilliant move,” Judd concluded.  WATCH

3 Comments on National Border Council President: “absolutely legal” for the federal government to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities

  1. #1. ICE bad for wanting to remove illegals from sanctuary cities.
    #2. ICE bad for wanting to place illegals in sanctuary cities.

    If you disagree, you’re a racist!@!#$

  2. All eight long years of Obama they dumped immigrants into conservative areas.
    There’s a reason there is now a huge Muslim enclave in Boise.
    The Left is evil.
    When Obama did targeted dumping the media ignored it.
    With Trump, it’s a big issue.


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