Navy SEAL candidate dies, another hospitalized after grueling Hell Week training – IOTW Report

Navy SEAL candidate dies, another hospitalized after grueling Hell Week training


One Navy sailor died and another was hospitalized Friday after completing the grueling “Hell Week” capping the initial phase of training to become a Navy SEAL.

Naval Special Warfare command told NBC News, who first reported the matter, that the death is under investigation.

The death occurred “several hours after their Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) class successfully completed Hell Week, part of the first phase of the Navy SEAL assessment and selection pathway,” Naval Special Warfare command told NBC.

“One candidate died at Sharp Coronado Hospital in Coronado, California, on Feb. 4,” the command said. “The other candidate is in stable condition at Naval Medical Center San Diego.”

Hell Week is one of the most notorious training evolutions carried out by the military. Candidates endure days on end of intense training while being cold and wet with almost no sleep as part of Hell Week to prove they have what it takes to become an elite Navy SEAL.


32 Comments on Navy SEAL candidate dies, another hospitalized after grueling Hell Week training

  1. They, like almost all who make it that farn “Wanted it bad”! Sorry they doed. BUT FAR BETTER THEY DIED HERE THAN IN COMBAT! In combat their deaths would have bee an unneeded, and unwanted, burden on the team; jeopardizing all their lives.

    War is ugly and bad! But will always be part of being free! I know first hand; decades ago, but not forgotten!

  2. Thirdtwin February 6, 2022 at 9:18 am

    Very sad to hear. Ladies, you sure you want a piece of that action?

    Lia the wannabe male/female swimmer can handle it! Still has its balls and dick and is ready to be the next trannie hero. Me think if Lia is captured that it’s the end of him/her/it.

  3. Biden is responsible. Forced everyone in the military to take the suicide jab. With overwhelming evidence that Graphene Oxide, an ingredient in the jab, is eventually going to kill everyone who was poisoned, Team Biden essentially neutralized our military when Russia, China, and Iran are threatening us.

  4. Lia would not last 2 days.

    Swimming is not the same as what the Seals do. They freeze, get tortured, mentally beaten, & sleep deprived Plus worse.

    Demi Moore on the other hand…

  5. @Kcir

    I was just going to say,”Demi Moore did it, how hard can it be?”.

    I’m going to take a different tack; no military school should be so dangerous that recruits can actually die going through the training.

    Bad-ass warriors do the country no good if they can’t make it to the battlefield.

    Maybe Old Coot was being flippant but yes, an autopsy is in order. If this guy had some pre-existing condition that contributed to his death I would think the Navy brass would want to know about it so they could screen future candidates.

    If this death was a result of negligence in the training, conditions so severe as to cause shock, or a shut down of vital organs, this needs to be addressed and corrected.

  6. If you can’t swim, don’t apply. There is a reason why Africans can never make it in our elite forces, swimming, keeping your pants pulled up, fighting without your possee and snake catching all required.

  7. I was watching a US Special forces Green Beret guy on the TV show called ‘Deadliest Warrior’ say exactly what you said about training.

    The Show was stating that Russian Spetsnaz training was so hard that they routinely had deaths.
    The Green Berets position was why take someone out of the fight. The person could be put to use in something more suitable.

    Lets hope it was not a Vax related complication. I would not want that on my certificate (not that they would admit it).

  8. “Candidates endure days on end of intense training while being cold and wet with almost no sleep as part of Hell Week…”

    This is not training. They are not being physically conditioned, taught skills, etc. This is a physical and mental assessment. Who will quit under extreme physical stress and mental exhaustion.

  9. Finally Anonymous says something intelligent. Odd how many 20 something athletes at the top of the physical pyramid are suddenly dropping like flies. Make no mistake these BUDs candidates are the most physically elite of the elite.

    Coincidence I suppose…

    It’s extremely rare to lose a candidate as the monitoring of each individual is extensive, but heart issues are the most likely culprit and it doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots.

    God’s bless and protect anyone with the courage to become a Seal.

    Joe Biden is a pedophile and a mass murderer.

  10. Lawsuit and change in training procedures to follow in 3, 2, 1…

    I am sorry for those soldiers and their families, but the risks of training for the SEALs and other special units is well known. Life is a continuous series of risk-reward analysis. Each person has their own set of criteria for that process.

    That said, I too have great concern about possible adverse reactions from the experimental gene therapy and would like to see the autopsy (but won’t hold my breath waiting for it). Just look at the unusual number of athletes in their prime who have died.

  11. RIP.

    If there are no deaths during training, then they are not training hard enough, or realistically. Deaths happen; in military training, police training, and fire training. I reckon training deaths are not limited to those three types.

  12. The vax the Chinese are giving their military is not an mRNA shot. It is a traditional vaccine using killed virus. I don’t know about the Russians.

    I know the Palis are also turning this shit down and Israel’s military is 100% triple jabbed.

    The old saying that our military is fighting the last war is so true. 21st century warfare ain’t about massive aircraft carriers or F-35s. It’s cyberwar and bio attacks. China turns out more engineers in 1 year than we do in 10.

    Did you ever hear the one that goes, if China is so good, why are 100s of 1,000s of their young adults coming to our universities? The reason is because theirs are so difficult to get into. Imagine, they have an easier time getting into Sanford or Harvard than their own schools.

    Xi had a graduate degree in chemical Engineering. Biden is a grifting plagiarist. And demented as well.

    We’re just about done with living off our seed corn.

  13. @ Odin. My fathers basic training at Camp Jejune included a lengthy hike, and three recruits died during that, out of about 200 if my memory of what he said, serves.

  14. OldCoot
    FEBRUARY 6, 2022 AT 9:17 AM
    “That has certainly been known to happen during hell week, but I’d still like to see the autopsy results.”

    …I know what you’re saying, but not sure if you’d learn anything they didn’t want you to know that way. I had a suspicious death in a young kid last year that didn’t make sense, so I got the coroner’s report. I covered that previously here so I won’t repeat, but it was a 4 page summary that disagreed with itself on 2 of those pages, because the findings didn’t match the ER treatment or the presentation.

    You know, like someone had their thumb on the critical part of the report.

    It went down as “cardiac arrhythmia of unknown etiology”

    Which says absolutely nothing about why a healthy 19 year old died of a cardiac arrest.

    …the coroner is a dyed-in-the-wool, fully in the tank raging Democrat in an elective office in a dark blue county.

    …but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence./s

    An autopsy is a Government document produced by a Government employee.

    Given that every OTHER part of Government lies to us about the Jab, it seems unlikely that THIS part would not tell lies that support the narrative as well, or at least facilitate Democrats in literally burying inconvenient facts…

  15. Young healthy military are getting sick, some dropping dead “suddenly” and “for unknown reasons” all over the country.

    Sometimes bullshit reasons are given. Like they just suddenly overturned some piece of equipment they were driving, ooops. Sometimes bullshit reasons are “implied”, such as “Hell Week”.

    Do not fall for the isolated utterly misleading headline(s).

    Do not for a minute think that this is just ordinary business and risk as usual.

    They were vaxxed. They were poisoned.


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