Navy to Deploy Microwave Anti-Drone Weapons – IOTW Report

Navy to Deploy Microwave Anti-Drone Weapons

Just the News

The United States Navy hopes to test out an onboard microwave weapon by the end of 2026 on one of its vessels. 

The prototype would be known as the METEOR and it would be used to counter targets such as drones, according to The Defense Post.

9 Comments on Navy to Deploy Microwave Anti-Drone Weapons

  1. Microwave weapon – wager that’s like getting deep fried in a hurry. Instant EMP on target. Multiple guidance systems, of course. Don’t want to miss, even in cloudy or foggy weather.

  2. Sounds great. Maybe fully deployed by, say, 2036? May have to divery some dough from the Lunar Railroad project, though. And will it work against hypersonic missiles?

    It sounds like our navy is gearing up to fight against third world motorboat navies and their prop-driven aerial drones, instead of getting ready to fight peers such as Russia and China. But I guess I should be glad that our navy knows its limitations.


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