Navy to fly in year’s supply of crickets, mealworms and mice to feed birds under $3.8M grant – IOTW Report

Navy to fly in year’s supply of crickets, mealworms and mice to feed birds under $3.8M grant


This week’s Golden Horseshoe Award goes to the Department of Defense for a $3.8 million grant to provide care for birds on San Clemente Island in California at the Naval Auxiliary Landing Field, reported.

The grant is for the San Clemente Loggerhead Shrikes, according to the DOD synopsis, which announces the “goals and objectives of the project are to continue to maintain and care for captive Loggerhead Shrikes for release, provide necessary veterinary care and pathology for chicks and adults, and to collect and analyze all necessary biological data.”

The grantee is expected to maintain and care for “current captive Loggerhead Shrikes,” including “production of juvenile Loggerhead Shrikes for release, execution of supplemental diet plans that provide food and forage for captive flock.” In addition, the grantee is expected to provide “demographic and genetic management for captive and wild flocks” on the island.

The accompanying request for statements of interest outlines several tasks for the project, including a kick-off meeting before Sept. 30  and the provision of supplemental feed for both the released and captive birds, to include a 12-month supply of crickets, mealworms and mice. more

14 Comments on Navy to fly in year’s supply of crickets, mealworms and mice to feed birds under $3.8M grant

  1. “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?”
    Matthew 6:26

  2. I’ve seen seagulls eat puke on the beach.

    I think the birds will be fine on their own, besides I thought Bill Gates is trying to get us to eat bugs.

  3. It’s a desert island off Ventura in Southern CA, mostly uninhabited although you can camp there. Why in the world would they need anything other than what Mother Nature brings???

  4. I don’t see any problems with increasing the bird population around a military airstrip. Well, as long as you discount the ones get hoovered into jet intakes.

  5. Lowell,

    Biden’s new naval aircraft will all be Electrical & Propeller driven as per jackass’s Last Speech about a Green Military.

    Expect the performance of a Sopwith Camel or a Fokker Tri-plane of less.

  6. Headline two years from now: Scientists are baffled by an infestation of crickets and mealworms on San Clemente Island. Request $20 million to study the problem.

  7. Left Coast Dan , Long time ago my brother was stationed at an AFB listening post at Shemya in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands. The island was stocked with foxes , probably brought there by Russians in the 1700s. The foxes were a bit of a nuisance

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