NBA ratings crash… ‘Even worse than last year’… – IOTW Report

NBA ratings crash… ‘Even worse than last year’…

CFP- Last season was an all time ratings low for the NBA. Until this season. Which is even worse. Coming into the 2020-21 season, NBA games on ABC — the league’s most important partner — were down 45% since 2011-12. On cable, it’s only slightly less damning.

To stick with more recent trends, the past two NBA Finals crashed to double-digit declines, with the most recent falling down 51% to an all-time record low. Last season’s NBA on ABC games fit that same category, recording the lowest average (2.95 million) on record. According to The Athletic’s Ethan Strauss, that record will break once again this season. more

35 Comments on NBA ratings crash… ‘Even worse than last year’…

  1. Commie businesses never worry about making money.

    Push comes to shove, The Pedophile will simply give them ours.

    And will not hesitate to jail anyone who complains.

    The NBA will be just fine.

    At least as long as their antics continue to amuse the Chinese…

  2. I wish I was a rabid fan and could stop watching.
    But….alas…I’m not.
    The only sport I’ve watched in the last ten years is professional poker.

  3. At this point, the well is so poisoned that I cannot stand to see black people in commercials, as talking heads on news/weather programs, in sports; actually anywhere, whether they are conservative or commie.

    Since they have broad-brushed all white people as hopelessly racist, then if you have the name, you might as well have the game.

  4. Dittos Loretta. I thought it was just me, sick of all the powerful, all knowing black women power commercials. It’s sickening. And the mix raced couples, with the whimsy ass white husband. Geez. What in the hell. I’ve been forced to endure this crap on the TV, so I change channels as fast as I can.
    As for the NBA, they can all go to hell and shoot hoops for their new chicom overlords. Eff em. And MBA and NFL are right behind them.

  5. Hope all these NBA ghetto thugs end up where they belong which is slinging drugs on a street corner in Da Hood.

    They have to rate among the dumbest idiots ever to have shambled along on the face of our planet. Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

  6. Pissed Off Old Guy
    APRIL 19, 2021 AT 7:55 AM
    “… I’ve been forced to endure this crap on the TV…”

    …haven’t watched TV in years.

    Haven’t missed it, either.

    If I want to look at a screen, I’ve got Charlton Heston as Moses, Kirk Douglas as Sparticus, Leslie Nielson as the doctor on an Airplane! and more modern and WAY more uplifting fare like “Risen” to choose from, among many, many others.

    …so I’m well-supplied with things WORTH watching. Nothing they’re doing on “Bob❤Whoeverthehella” can even come CLOSE to comparing.

    I did hang on a bit for the news until the 2016 elections. When I saw ALL of the local newsleberties crying on-camera because we didn’t get Dictator Hillary, I was done with THAT, too.

    Plenty of other places to get news without the Democrat spin on it, and the rest of that crap isn’t worth the electricity…

  7. Loretta
    It’s not that I watch “tv” my wife does and I hear the commercials. All she watches is HGTV, the house fixer upper programs. If the commercials are this bad on a garden show imagine the crapfest on main channels. I watch my old movie library of the classics like Casa Blanca, Hitchcock , James Bond, Clint Eastwood collections etc.

  8. The “N” in the NBA has many connotations – but for this thread I’ll just say NEVER. Never to basketball, baseball, or football. I am enjoying their fall and fail.

  9. The commercials are the worst — so removed from actual reality ! From the constant inter-racial couples/families, especially white parents with black children…. are there any single race couples or families anymore ??

    The latest ads that show black people out in the wilderness and camping — What happened to reality in the commercials and in the products – why can’t these media people get that ?

  10. I can not wait for the china to fuck over the nba by announcing the cba…. the chinese basketball association or is the the communist basketball association lol


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