NBC News Runs With Sen. Bill Cassidy Misquote, Creates False Narrative – IOTW Report

NBC News Runs With Sen. Bill Cassidy Misquote, Creates False Narrative

DC: NBC News published and aired a misquote of Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy on Thursday to suggest that the Republican was turning on President Donald Trump over alleged hush money payments.

Cassidy spoke to CNN reporter Manu Raju on Tuesday about whether or not Trump’s coordination of hush payments to multiple women constitutes a campaign finance violation. Cassidy invoked a similar case involving former Senator and presidential candidate John Edwards, who ultimately escaped punishment, to defend Trump from allegations of illegality.

However, NBC ran a shortened and misquoted version of Cassidy’s comments to create a narrative that he — and potentially other Republicans — were turning on the president.

The misquote was apparently due to a transcription error by NBC News’ automated service, according to a review of the internal transcript by The Daily Caller.

NBC’s auto-transcription has Cassidy telling CNN’s Raju the following (emphasis added):

“If you phrase it, I am concerned that the president might be involved in a crime, of course. The only question is then whether or not this so-called hush money is a crime. John Edwards obviously was prosecuted  for the same thing and Justice Department failed. Acquitted on one, mistrial-ed on the others, but they decided not to proceed. This does seem to be what they are charging, by the way, this is not to say it’s right, this is not to say–to condone it. But it is to say if we take legal precedent, it is not something the Justice Department is going to win on.”

According to video of the interview, however, Cassidy actually said this:

“If you phrase it, ‘Am I concerned that the president might be involved in a crime?’ Of course. The only question is then whether or not this so-called hush money is a crime … “

It is common for reporters to use automated transcriptions of interviews as rough guides, however, the quotes are supposed to be confirmed next to audio or video to make sure they are fully accurate.  MORE HERE

9 Comments on NBC News Runs With Sen. Bill Cassidy Misquote, Creates False Narrative

  1. Also, the msm keeps repeating “multiple women.” Who are these women? I have not seen any evidence of or other women coming forward to accuse him. It’s only been one sketchy whoor and her skeevy attorney.

    It’s like the people who keep calling him a liar, but can’t tell you one thing he’s lied about.

  2. I understand that public figures have less protection than ordinary citizens from slander or libel but when is one of these politicians going to have the balls to sue an NBC to force them to prove the machinery used failed and why the safeguards in place to confirm these quotes was not followed. If the MSM can continue this practice with no fear of consequences then just admit they’ve given up.


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